Journey Story Hispania 3 Trusted




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All the texts of the various chapters are available in this area. Both the successful and the failed.

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Chapter 1 On the trail of nomads
Motivated and filled with new hope, the Gauls set off to search for clues that might point them to the family of the nomad girl. Maybe Pepe just stopped there for lunch. Huevos Y Bacon knows that nomads often camp in this area and therefore takes the lead.
Success Fail
If anyone knows his way around the endless steppes of Hispania, it's Huevos Y Bacon! It doesn't take long for the brave chief to find tracks that almost certainly belong to a nomadic wagon! Now our heroes just have to take up pursuit! Oh dear, it almost seems as if no nomads have set up camp in the area for months, at least neither Huevos Y Bacon nor the Gauls manage to find the slightest trace of them.What are they supposed to do now?
Chapter 2 Hot wheater
Mercilessly hot burns the sun from the sky. The poor Gauls are not used to a climate like this! Huevos Y Bacon marches ahead cheerfully, but our heroes can hardly keep up. Water! A kingdom for a drop of water!
Success Fail

The luck is with our Gauls! They find a river and even the nomads camping right next to it. By Toutatis! They report that they are also looking for the daughter, who disappeared together with Pepe! The children were playing together and wanted to climb a nearby mountain, but have not returned since. Like Huevos Y Bacon, the parents are worried and hope for the help of our Gauls.

Hot, it's so hooooot! For hours our heroes wander through the bone dry steppes of Hispania, unable to find even the smallest waterhole. Finally, unable to walk anymore, they are collapsing on the way.
Chapter 3 ¡Olé! and ¡Ay Aa Ay!
Because it's already late and they can hardly see their hand in front of their face, the nomads invite our heroes to spend the night at their camp to regain their strength. Certainly the Gauls can return the favor and prepare an extraordinarily delicious Gaulish dinner for the Hispanic nomads, can't they?
Success Fail
"¡Olé!" The nomads are delighted by the good and hearty Gaulish cuisine and everyone asks for a second helping. In the evening, our heroes are entertained with an interlude of Hispanic songs and dances, for it is in sorrowful times that the nomads believe one should celebrate and be happy! "Ay Aa Ay As Ay Aa Ay! Wooooooe is meeeee!" clap clap clap "Why did sheeee leeeeeeeave meeeeeeee?" Oh dear, although our Gauls try their best, it is not that easy to gather the ingredients for a hearty Gaulish stew in the Hispanic steppe. In the end, no one enjoys the meal and everyone goes to bed with stomach pain. "Ay Aa Ay As Ay Aa Ay! Iiiiiii feel sooooo sick!"
Chapter 4 And the search continues
Well rested, with full bellies and water bags, the Gauls set off to climb the mountain in search for Pepe and the nomad girl. Hopefully, nothing has happened and the two children are alright!
Success Fail
After their ascent into the treacherous Hispanic mountain range, climbing a little mountain is an easy task for the Gauls! If two kids can do it, our Gaulish heroes surely can as well. They can only hope that there won’t be any nasty surprise waiting at the top of the mountain. By Toutatis, why does it have to be so hot? Breathing is already difficult enough in the burning midday heat of the Hispanic steppe. How are our Gauls supposed to climb a mountain? Gasping they try their best but have to give up after a few meters.
Chapter 5 Dead end?
There's nobody to be seen far and wide, neither Pepe nor the nomad girl. Did the two children climb the mountain at all? Did they perhaps change their minds or were they stopped by someone? Either way, our Gauls will have to keep their eyes open and look for possible hints at the top of the mountain. Maybe they will find a clue after all!
Success Fail
Aha, what is that? A flowered headscarf? At first, the Gauls believe it belongs to the nomad girl, but Huevos Y Bacon knows better! This headscarf doesn't belong to the nomad girl - no, that's the identification mark of a local bandit gang specialized in robbing tourists. Perhaps Pepe and the girl have fallen into their clutches? Immediately our heroes set off! It's like looking for a needle in a haystack - the Gauls fail to find any clues about Pepe and the girl. They shout their names, but get no answer. It's as if the children had never been there. Or are they long gone? How are the Gauls supposed to continue the search?
Chapter 6 Oh no, the bandits are gone!
A determined Huevos Y Bacon leads the Gauls to the hideout of the local bandit gang, but oh, what oh no! The camp has disappeared and it seems that the bandits have moved on. Did they take Pepe and the nomad girl with them? The Gauls must find out where the bandits have gone!
Success Fail
Luckily for our Gauls, the sloppy bandits didn’t bother to cover their tracks.Without any problems, the Gauls can follow the trail of footprints, dirty socks, and leftovers until they come across the new hideout in a small valley. No trace of the bandits far and wide! These damned crooks didn't leave the slightest trail that our heroes could follow. Oh dear, oh dear, the poor Huevos Y Bacon is already worried sick about Pepe. It would be horrible if something happened to his son!
Chapter 7 Sleepy bandits
What's going on here? All the bandits are taking a nap! All the better! Our Gauls and Huevos Y Bacon sneak into the camp and search for the children. Maybe the bandits are holding Pepe and the girl captive in one of the tents? If our heroes stay very quiet, they can avoid waking up the bandits and leave unnoticed!
Success Fail
Soft-footed, the Gauls sneak through the camp, without a single snoring bandit being roused from his nap. Our heroes search every tent, but there is no trace of Pepe and the nomad girl! Where could they be? Are the bandits hiding them in a secret place? Snap! Whooosh! Boom!Before the Gauls realize what's happening they fall into a pit! Unbelievable - those devious bandits set traps around their camp, so no one can sneak upon them. That didn't go according to plan!
Chapter 8 Spit it out!
Well, the hard way then! Just because our Gauls couldn't find the kids in the camp doesn't mean those bandits don't know where Pepe and the girl are! It's time to wake up the crooks and question them. Hopefully they'll spill the beans. Otherwise Huevos Y Bacon will make tapas out of them!
Success Fail
The bandits don’t know what is happening when the Gauls shake them out of their sleep. Usually they are the ones who attack! They still manage to grab their weapons, but they don't stand a chance against the Gauls and the fearless Huevos Y Bacon! "Get them!" - Although our heroes have surprised the sleeping bandits, they are on their feet immediately and attack! The Gauls didn't expect this and in the end, they have to flee - barely alive, but without their belongings.
Chapter 9 A surprising turn of events!
Finally, the bandits are awake! Despite some scratches, bumps, and black eyes, they are certainly ready to answer the questions of our heroes! At least they should if they know what's good for them, since Huevos Y Bacon is slowly losing patience and demands to know where his son is.
Success Fail
Faced with Huevo Y Bacon's sinister, threatening expression, the bandits start to feel fear and they admit to catching Pepe and the girl, but because Pepe has been continuously rumbling and even threatening to hold his breath until he keels over, they let them go. The children left in the direction of Cauca, but the bandits don't know why. Oh dear, if only the Gauls had considered, that bandits without teeth are very hard to understand! The mumbled answers really don't help our heroes at all and they realize in frustration that they still don't know where Pepe and the girl could be!

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