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All the texts of the various chapters are available in this area. Both the successful and the failed.

So that - if the chapters have not yet been played through - the tension is maintained, the texts are folded for the time being.

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Chapter 1 Tricky climbing tour
The ascent into the Hispanic mountains turns out to be trickier than expected. The path is steep and rocky, and our Gauls are in danger of slipping off any second. Can they find a safe way up without breaking every bone in their bodies?
Success Fail
Without a guide who is familiar with the Hispanic mountains, it is not that easy to find a way up, but the Gauls have already mastered more difficult tasks! It takes some time, but in the end they manage a safe ascent. Goodness gracious, cows are more likely to learn to fly than the Gauls to climb the Hispanic mountains. Wherever their hands are looking for support, they only come across loose rubble, making the climb far too dangerous. So they have no choice but to give up.
Chapter 2 Ready or not, here they come!
Just when the Gauls believe the hardest part is over, a Roman patrol appears behind the next rock and our heroes barely have enough time to hide. It seems that the Roman soldiers want to make sure that no one is able to sneak into the country over the mountains. Will they spot the Gauls?
Success Fail
Before the Romans could even blink, the Gauls disappeared behind a rock wall. Quiet as a mouse, they hold out, while the Roman soldiers are scratching their heads. "Did you see that? Wasn't that the Gauls?" - "Oh, you probably only imagined that." Not long after, the confused Roman patrol leaves. Oh dear, the Romans have caught our heroes off-guard. Before they could hide, the Roman soldiers already spotted them and chased them into a dead end. Surrounded by dozens of pointy pila, the Gauls have no choice but to give up.
Chapter 3 Fear of heights? Not welcome!
First a dangerous climb, then Roman patrols galore, and now the Gauls are faced with a wide crevice in the rock filled with yawning depth. The Hispanic mountain range is quite dangerous! Will our heroes still be able to overcome this obstacle with ease?
Success Fail
A crevice ? Oh please, no problem at all for our Gauls! With their combined forces, they chop down a tree and use it as a bridge, comfortably traversing the gaping abyss. How lucky that none of them has a fear of heights! Damn it! The Gauls can’t come up with an idea to cross the crevice with the best will. If only they had thought of bringing some ropes! With no other way in sight, they grudgingly have to admit defeat.
Chapter 4 Always trouble with the Romans
After their adventures in the Hispanic mountain range, the Gauls enjoy an easy descent. But when they reach the foot of the mountains, a whole bunch of Romans is already waiting for them with no hiding place far and wide. Whether they like it or not - it's time to roll up their sleeves and punch some Romans.
Success Fail
Bam! Pow! Poof! Boom!In good old Gaulish fashion, our heroes give the Romans quite a beating, then they set off to meet Huevos Y Bacon. By Toutatis! The Romans stationed in Hispania seem to be much more experienced in battle than those in Gaul. Although our heroes do their best, they cannot stand up to the well-trained legionnaires and have to flee back to the mountains.
Chapter 5 Which way to Pompaelo?
According to Huevos Y Bacon's message, he wants to meet with the Gauls in the city of Pompaelo, more precisely in a tavern called "The Repleat Tourist". However, since our heroes had never been to Hispania before, they have a hard time finding their way around the vast steppes of the country. Will they be able to find the city anyway?
Success Fail
Just as the Gauls suspect they are hopelessly lost, they encounter a group of locals and ask them for directions. Coincidentally, they are heading towards Pompaelo and invite our heroes to join them! This has to be the Hispanic hospitality our Gauls have heard a lot about. Where is north? Where is south? It doesn't take long for the Gauls to completely lose their orientation. To make matters worse, the midday sun is mercilessly burning down on them and they have no choice but to collapse on the side of the road, completely exhausted.
Chapter 6 Huevos Y Bacon is waiting!
Although the narrow streets of Pompaelo are overflowing with people, the Gauls have no trouble finding the tavern "The Repleat Tourist". As they make their way through town, they enjoy the festivities and eventually meet Huevos Y Bacon, who greets them beaming with joy!
Success Fail
Although the narrow streets of Pompaelo are overflowing with people, the Gauls have no trouble finding the tavern "The Repleat Tourist". As they make their way through town, they enjoy the festivities and eventually meet Huevos Y Bacon, who greets them beaming with joy! Oh dear, too busy trying not to lose sight of each other in all the chaos the Gauls notice too late that they actually got lost. To make matters worse, they also have been robbed! What a mess!
Chapter 7 In search of Pepe
After replenishing their strength with ham and herbal wine, the Gauls, along with Huevos Y Bacon, set out for the place where the worried father had last seen Pepe. Since the Hispanic chief's village is still rebelling against Caesar, Huevos Y Bacon continues to be a wanted man whom the Romans are eager to capture, and so the journey does not go as smoothly as hoped.
Success Fail
"I will fry you all in olive oil!" Huevos Y Bacon is not to be trifled with, especially when the Hispanic chief is worried about the wellbeing of his son. The Romans, clearly intimidated, prefer not to attack. Instead they duck their heads and let the Gauls pass. Oh no, the Romans drove the Gauls into a dead end and overwhelmed them! These Romans are dead serious. Maybe they want to present themselves at their best because Caesar is about to show up in Hispania? Bound and imprisoned, our heroes cannot continue their journey.
Chapter 8 Every clue counts
Not far from Huevos Y Bacon's village, among bare rocks and trees, was the last place the Hispanic chief saw his son playing. At first glance, the area seems deserted, but it's highly unlikely that our Gauls couldn't find any trace to Pepe's disappearance. Let's start searching for clues!
Success Fail
What is that? Our eagle-eyed heroes discover the remains of small footprints in the red sand and find Pepe's slingshot soon afterwards! Nearby is a Roman outpost that has besieged Huevos Y Bacon's village for weeks. Are these Romans responsible for Pepe's disappearance after all? The Gauls search and search, but they can't find any clues to Pepe's disappearance. This boy is nowhere to be found! What are they supposed to do now?
Chapter 9 Hot trace
To the surprise of the Gauls, they meet some familiar faces in the outpost: Roman soldiers formerly stationed in Gaul who are all too familiar with the regular beatings at the hands of our heroes. The Romans don't look happy at all about the prospect of a reunion! Is there no place safe from these Gauls? Cursing they reach for their pila!
Success Fail
"Where." - Clap. - "Is." - Clap. - "Pepe?" Clap. Although the Romans are a little hard to understand between all the slaps, they swear to Jupiter that they don't have the slightest clue about Pepe's disappearance. After all, nobody wanted to deal with that stubborn brat again! However, they claim to have seen Pepe and a nomad girl playing and then wandering off together. Could this be a solid lead? Oops, the Gauls got carried away a little and have sent every single Roman into the realm of dreams. They are not going to wake up anytime soon! How are they supposed to tell our heroes where Pepe is now?

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