User talk:Ime-admin

Revision as of 14:17, 10 March 2017 by Ime-admin (Talk | contribs)

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Hi everyone.

For the time being I created this page to bundle the talk a little. I don't always see your shouts on the single pages and with more people it's more difficult to keep track of everything via mail.

I am currently still creating the basic pages in English. They are all categorized as English, so you can find them here:

We also have a new guy in Brtzl, who will support the German team.  Welcome!

Here are some current issues you might want to comment on:


Aberaber has suggested to make a potion page sorted by function instead of just by level as I did on my first version of the potion crafting page:

English potion crafting page:

(It is still missing event potions and the special case of the Magic Potion in Egypt)

German potion page:

I think it makes sense to have both, so I will do the potion page in English too and link between them.

Page overview - redirects

In my discussion with Anamatt I came to the conclusion that some redirects would help in the overview on all pages to help people find stuff easier.

Example: If you want to look up Lunatix and you remember his name, you might want to look for Lunatix directly. But maybe you want to look up all the different villagers, so it might be good to also have an entry "Villagers:Lunatix".

Check the overview on to see how it looks and works.

Tables, styles and overall look

As I told everyone so far, nothing is set in stone, but I would like to keep a little more control over the look. I currently do almost all styling via css in the Common.css page:

This way we can easily change details like colors, font size, table borders etc. globally for all pages.

Please keep in mind that the wysiwyg-Editor inserts "hard formatting/styling" so please don't use it to format.

Instead, if you need a new element, tell me and I will create a CSS class, then we can test and discuss it and I will implement it and use it for the English pages.

Speaking of those, I hope that we can agree on taking these as a template and build the other pages accordingly. Since right now the French version has the most content and some ideas there are still to be realized in my versions, it will take a longer process to switch the French pages. But for German, it would be nice if we could start using the English pages as a template where possible.

Working on "template content" in English

As stated above, I'm still working on it. Just finished the basic production buildings and some villager pages. I will try to get some speed here, but obviously a lot of work remains. I'm not sure about the quest table look yet. I made one based in Anamatts tables (as can be seen on the template page

and it looks similar to the look ingame, but maybe we can do it look more nicely. The grey is the same as in the game (unfinished quests), but since we are lacking the game font with an outline, it doesn't really quite look as good. But I like the general idea of having a table on the left  with the objectives and one on the right with the rewards.

Update 10.3.: I made some tables for the first version of EN and DE quests, so it takes less time.


- I will need to re-upload a lot of the small pictures if we use them, since they look blurry when we resize them (make them smaller) in the table.

- I still need to think about the best way to display quests. Things to think about:

    - do we also want to state the quest texts like currently on the French pages? (Example:,_le_doyen ) It looks nice and has some flavor, but also can be seen as some kind of "spoiler"

   - whenever we visualize something with pictures like here with the XP and sesterce, it is not "barrier free webdesign". People with disabilities sometimes use text readers, and those don't work if we offer info in picture form)

Regarding quests there was also the question  on how to include quests that are prerequisites. We can actually link to quests, also on other pages, which makes it easier to find a prerequisite quest. You can currently see examples on the chief page:

Minor formatting stuff

A few smaller things:

Decimal points 

In GB and US it is different from Germany etc.:


Germany: 124.500,30€

US: 124,500.30$

I will use the US/GB system for english pages. Please use the appropriate point or comma for DE/FR.


I initially wrote something like 1,75 hours, which is not very user friendly. I took your suggestions and changed it to "1 hour 45 minutes".

Pictures (again)

Anamatt has used a lot of pictures in her lists to make them prettier. 

Right now my first concern is to get some info into DE and EN, which are still quite empty. Still, we should keep in mind that we might include more pictures later. I am uploading a lot of pictures new since they always look best when we use them in their native resolution. Also pictures of the same category (like buildings or items) should always have the same pixel width and heigth, since I try to avoid absolute formatting with pixels. I will also always put the pixel measurements into the filename.


One last thing: Sesterce

I actually did this wrong in English and need to correct these on the pages I already made. In English it is 1 Sesterce, 2 Sesterces. In German though it is "Der Sesterz". So it is 1 Sesterz, 2 Sesterze

Last modified on 10 March 2017, at 14:17