Combat Probability of Victory

Revision as of 10:19, 7 February 2023 by Brtzl (Talk | contribs)

Decisive is the respective strength of the legion and the sum of the strength of your own fighters.

If the difference in strength is less than minus 20, the fight cannot be started!

The (non-linear) values ​​from the following table apply to all other differences.

Probability of winning when fighting legions
of strength
of winning
of strength
of winning
of strength
of winning
of strength
of winning
-20 1% -10 22% 0 50% 10 85%
-19 2% -9 26% 1 56% 11 86%
-18 4% -8 30% 2 61% 12 87%
-17 6% -7 34% 3 66% 13 88%
-16 8% -6 37% 4 70% 14 89%
-15 10% -5 40% 5 74% 15 90%
-14 12% -4 42% 6 77% 16 91%
-13 14% -3 44% 7 80% 17 92%
-12 16% -2 46% 8 82% 18 93%
-11 18% -1 48% 9 84% 19 100%

All differences over 19 also give a 100% chance of winning.

Last modified on 7 February 2023, at 10:19