System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-namespacemanager-ns-exists (Talk) (Translate) The namespace already exists.
bs-namespacemanager-ns-length (Talk) (Translate) The namespace must have a minimum length of two characters.
bs-namespacemanager-nsadded (Talk) (Translate) The namespace has been added.
bs-namespacemanager-nsedited (Talk) (Translate) The namespace has been edited.
bs-namespacemanager-nsremoved (Talk) (Translate) The namespace has been removed.
bs-namespacemanager-pagepresent (Talk) (Translate) Pages in this namespace:
bs-namespacemanager-tipadd (Talk) (Translate) Add namespace
bs-namespacemanager-tipedit (Talk) (Translate) Edit namespace
bs-namespacemanager-tipremove (Talk) (Translate) Remove namespace
bs-namespacemanager-willdelete (Talk) (Translate) Will be deleted
bs-namespacemanager-willmove (Talk) (Translate) Will be moved into "{{int:bs-ns_main}}"
bs-namespacemanager-willmovesuffix (Talk) (Translate) Will be moved into "{{int:bs-ns_main}}" with the suffix "$1"
bs-namespacemanager-wrong-name (Talk) (Translate) The namespace contains invalid characters.
bs-navigation-contact (Talk) (Translate) Contact
bs-navigation-instructions (Talk) (Translate) Instructions
bs-navigation-support (Talk) (Translate) Support
bs-no-information-available (Talk) (Translate) No information available
bs-notifications-desc (Talk) (Translate) Sends notifications on user selected changes
bs-notifications-email-addaccount (Talk) (Translate) The user $1 with real name $2 was created.
bs-notifications-email-addaccount-subject (Talk) (Translate) User $1 created
bs-notifications-email-delete (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" was {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} by $2. This was the reason: $3
bs-notifications-email-delete-subject (Talk) (Translate) Page $1 {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} by $2
bs-notifications-email-edit (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" was {{GENDER:$2|edited}} by $2. Comment: $3 You can visit the page following this link: $4. If you only want to see the changes, follow this link: $5
bs-notifications-email-edit-subject (Talk) (Translate) Page $1 {{GENDER:$2|edited}} by $2
bs-notifications-email-move (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" was {{GENDER:$2|moved}} to $3 by $2. You can visit the page following this link: $4
bs-notifications-email-move-subject (Talk) (Translate) Page $1 {{GENDER:$2|moved}} by $2
bs-notifications-email-new (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" was {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $2. Comment: $3 You can visit the page following this link: $4
bs-notifications-email-new-subject (Talk) (Translate) Page $1 {{GENDER:$2|created}} by $2
bs-notifications-email-shout (Talk) (Translate) $2 {{GENDER:$2|posted}} a message on page "$1". Message: $3 You can visit the page following this link: $4.
bs-notifications-email-shout-subject (Talk) (Translate) $2 {{GENDER:$2|posted}} a message on page $1
bs-notifications-pref-active (Talk) (Translate) Enable notifications
bs-notifications-pref-notifynominor (Talk) (Translate) No notification for minor changes
bs-notifications-pref-notifyns (Talk) (Translate) Only notify for changes in these namespaces:
bs-now (Talk) (Translate) now
bs-ns (Talk) (Translate) Namespace
bs-ns_all (Talk) (Translate) (all)
bs-ns_main (Talk) (Translate) (Pages)
bs-one-unit-ago (Talk) (Translate) $1 ago
bs-pageaccess-desc (Talk) (Translate) Controls access on page level
bs-pageaccess-error-included-forbidden-template (Talk) (Translate) You've tried to use the template "$1" to which you don't have read access. In order to prevent you from locking yourself out, saving was disabled.
bs-pageaccess-error-no-groups-given (Talk) (Translate) No groups were specified.
bs-pageaccess-error-not-member-of-given-groups (Talk) (Translate) You're not a member of the given groups. In order to prevent you from locking yourself out, saving was disabled.
bs-pageaccess-tag-groups-desc (Talk) (Translate) Specify the groups that should have exclusive access to this page. Multiple groups can be separated by commas.
bs-pagesvisited-desc (Talk) (Translate) Provides a personalized list of the last visited pages
bs-pagesvisited-error-nsnotvalid (Talk) (Translate) Given {{PLURAL:$1|namespace|namespaces}} <code>$2</code> {{PLURAL:$1|is|are}} not valid.
bs-pagesvisited-pref-sort-pagename (Talk) (Translate) Title
bs-pagesvisited-pref-sort-time (Talk) (Translate) Time
bs-pagesvisited-pref-widgetlimit (Talk) (Translate) Limit of entries:
bs-pagesvisited-pref-widgetns (Talk) (Translate) Namespaces:
bs-pagesvisited-pref-widgetsortodr (Talk) (Translate) Sort by:
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