System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-insertmagic (Talk) (Translate) Insert magic word
bs-insertmagic-contentlanguage (Talk) (Translate) The wiki's default interface language.
bs-insertmagic-currentday (Talk) (Translate) Day of the month (unpadded number).
bs-insertmagic-currentday2 (Talk) (Translate) Day of the month (zero-padded number).
bs-insertmagic-currentdayname (Talk) (Translate) Day of the week (name).
bs-insertmagic-currentdow (Talk) (Translate) Day of the week (unpadded number), 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday).
bs-insertmagic-currenthour (Talk) (Translate) Hour (24-hour zero-padded number).
bs-insertmagic-currentmonth (Talk) (Translate) Present month (zero-padded number).
bs-insertmagic-currentmonthabbrev (Talk) (Translate) Present month (abbreviation).
bs-insertmagic-currentmonthname (Talk) (Translate) Present month (name).
bs-insertmagic-currentmonthnamegen (Talk) (Translate) Present month (genitive form).
bs-insertmagic-currenttime (Talk) (Translate) Time (24-hour HH:mm format).
bs-insertmagic-currenttimestamp (Talk) (Translate) Timestamp in format YYYYMMDDHHmmss.
bs-insertmagic-currentversion (Talk) (Translate) The wiki's MediaWiki version.
bs-insertmagic-currentweek (Talk) (Translate) Week (number).
bs-insertmagic-currentyear (Talk) (Translate) Present year
bs-insertmagic-defaultsort (Talk) (Translate) Used for categorizing pages, sets a default category sort key.
bs-insertmagic-desc (Talk) (Translate) Adds a dialog to edit mode that allows the insertion of magic words and tags
bs-insertmagic-displaytitle (Talk) (Translate) Format the current page's title header.
bs-insertmagic-dlg-title (Talk) (Translate) Insert magic word or tag
bs-insertmagic-end (Talk) (Translate) Explicitly marks the end of the page, to prevent MediaWiki from removing trailing whitespace.
bs-insertmagic-forcetoc (Talk) (Translate) Forces the table of contents to appear at its normal position.
bs-insertmagic-hiddencat (Talk) (Translate) Used on a category page, hides the category from the lists of categories in its members and parent categories.
bs-insertmagic-includeonly (Talk) (Translate) The converse is <code><includeonly></code>.
bs-insertmagic-index (Talk) (Translate) Tell search engines to index the page.
bs-insertmagic-label-desc (Talk) (Translate) Description
bs-insertmagic-label-first (Talk) (Translate) 1. Choose tag or magic word
bs-insertmagic-label-second (Talk) (Translate) 2. Modify code
bs-insertmagic-nocontentconvert (Talk) (Translate) On wikis with language variants, don't perform any content language conversion (character and phase) in page display.
bs-insertmagic-noeditsection (Talk) (Translate) Hides the section edit links beside headings.
bs-insertmagic-nogallery (Talk) (Translate) Used on a category page, replaces thumbnails in the category view with normal links.
bs-insertmagic-noinclude (Talk) (Translate) Anything between <code><noinclude></code> and <code></noinclude></code> will be processed and displayed only when the page is being viewed directly, it will not be included or substituted.
bs-insertmagic-noindex (Talk) (Translate) Tell search engines not to index the page.
bs-insertmagic-notitleconvert (Talk) (Translate) On wikis with language variants, don't perform language conversion on the title.
bs-insertmagic-notoc (Talk) (Translate) Hides the table of contents.
bs-insertmagic-nowiki (Talk) (Translate) Escape wiki markup.
bs-insertmagic-pageid (Talk) (Translate) Returns the page identifier.
bs-insertmagic-pagesize (Talk) (Translate) [expensive] Returns the byte size of the specified page. Use <code>|R</code> to get raw (unformatted) numbers.
bs-insertmagic-protectionlevel (Talk) (Translate) Outputs the protection level for a given action on the current page.
bs-insertmagic-revisionday (Talk) (Translate) Day change was made (unpadded number).
bs-insertmagic-revisionday2 (Talk) (Translate) Day change was made (zero-padded number).
bs-insertmagic-revisionid (Talk) (Translate) Unique revision ID.
bs-insertmagic-revisionmonth (Talk) (Translate) Month change was made (zero-padded number).
bs-insertmagic-revisionmonth1 (Talk) (Translate) Month change was made (unpadded number).
bs-insertmagic-revisiontimestamp (Talk) (Translate) Timestamp as of time of change.
bs-insertmagic-revisionuser (Talk) (Translate) The username of the user who made the most recent change to the page, or the current user when previewing a change.
bs-insertmagic-revisionyear (Talk) (Translate) Year change was made.
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