
Revision as of 12:37, 27 January 2017 by Ime-admin (Talk | contribs)

Character details

Lunatix - Character details
File:Char Villager Elder fight stance.png

Lunatix is a veteran in the fight against the Romans. He may not have all of his teeth anymore, but he definitely isn't toothless.

Quote: "I never could stand the Romans, those ne'er-do-wells!"

Unlock quest from Unlock level Unlocked by Type Base strength Maximum strength
Asterix 1 Building "Elder House" Villager 6 19

The Elder's House

The Elder's House - Lunatix' Residence
Residential Elder 300x300.png

The Elder's House needs to be built before Lunatix will join your village. In the Elder's House you can train your villager increasing his strength permanently by 1 point per upgrade.

Level Upgrade Resistance points needed Items needed Village level Base ugrade time
Asterix 2 Strength+1 100 1 1 minute
Last modified on 27 January 2017, at 12:37