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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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tsb-accept-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Accept
tsb-all-languages-button-label (Talk) (Translate) All languages
tsb-create-user-page (Talk) (Translate) Create basic user page
tsb-delete-userpage-summary (Talk) (Translate) Deleting the user page of a sandbox user
tsb-didnt-make-any-translations (Talk) (Translate) This user did not make any translations.
tsb-email-promoted-body (Talk) (Translate) Hi {{GENDER:$1|$1}}, Congratulations! I checked the test translations that you made at {{SITENAME}} and gave you full translator rights. Come to {{SITENAME}} to continue translating now, and every day: $2 Welcome, and thank you for you contributions! {{GENDER:$3|$3}}, {{SITENAME}} staff
tsb-email-promoted-subject (Talk) (Translate) You are now a translator at {{SITENAME}}
tsb-email-rejected-body (Talk) (Translate) Hi {{GENDER:$1|$1}}, Thank you for applying as a translator at {{SITENAME}}. I regret to inform you that I have rejected your application, because the quality of your translations did not meet the requirements. If you think that your application was rejected by mistake, please try to apply again as a translator at {{SITENAME}}. You can sign up here: $2 {{GENDER:$3|$3}}, {{SITENAME}} staff
tsb-email-rejected-subject (Talk) (Translate) Your application to be a translator at {{SITENAME}} was rejected
tsb-filter-pending (Talk) (Translate) Pending requests
tsb-limit-reached-body (Talk) (Translate) You reached the translation limit for new translators. Our team will verify and upgrade your account soon. Then you will be able to translate without limits.
tsb-limit-reached-title (Talk) (Translate) Thanks for your translations
tsb-no-requests-from-new-users (Talk) (Translate) No requests from new users
tsb-older-requests (Talk) (Translate) $1 older {{PLURAL:$1|request|requests}}
tsb-reject-all-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Reject all
tsb-reject-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Reject
tsb-reminder-content-generic (Talk) (Translate) Hi $1, Thanks for registering with {{SITENAME}}. If you complete your test translations, the administrators will grant you full translation access soon afterwards. Please come over and make some more translations here: $2 $3, {{SITENAME}} staff
tsb-reminder-failed (Talk) (Translate) Sending the reminder failed
tsb-reminder-sending (Talk) (Translate) Sending the reminder...
tsb-reminder-sent (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|Sent $1 reminder. Time: $2.|Sent $1 reminders. Time of the last one: $2.}}
tsb-reminder-sent-new (Talk) (Translate) Sent a reminder
tsb-reminder-title-generic (Talk) (Translate) Complete your introduction to become a translator
tsb-request-count (Talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|request|requests}}
tsb-search-requests (Talk) (Translate) Search requests
tsb-selected-count (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 user selected|$1 users selected}}
tsb-translations-current (Talk) (Translate) Existing translations
tsb-translations-source (Talk) (Translate) Source
tsb-translations-user (Talk) (Translate) {{GENDER:$1|User}} translations
tsb-user-posted-a-comment (Talk) (Translate) Not a translator
tue (Talk) (Translate) Tue
tuesday (Talk) (Translate) Tuesday
tuesday-at (Talk) (Translate) Tuesday at $1
tux-edit (Talk) (Translate) Edit
tux-editor-add-desc (Talk) (Translate) Add documentation
tux-editor-ask-help (Talk) (Translate) Ask for more information
tux-editor-cancel-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
tux-editor-clear-translated (Talk) (Translate) Hide translated
tux-editor-close-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Close
tux-editor-collapse-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Collapse
tux-editor-confirm-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Confirm translation
tux-editor-discard-changes-button-label (Talk) (Translate) Discard changes
tux-editor-doc-editor-cancel (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
tux-editor-doc-editor-placeholder (Talk) (Translate) Message documentation
tux-editor-doc-editor-save (Talk) (Translate) Save documentation
tux-editor-edit-desc (Talk) (Translate) Edit documentation
tux-editor-expand-tooltip (Talk) (Translate) Expand
tux-editor-in-other-languages (Talk) (Translate) In other languages
tux-editor-loading (Talk) (Translate) Loading...
tux-editor-message-desc-less (Talk) (Translate) View less
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