

5 bytes added, 1 year ago
When Obelix first arrives in the village, he offers a few different quest lines. Completing the quest line makes him available for a one fight against the Romans. Players can use Obelix in battle against legions, camps or patrols. Note that while Obelix automatically wins against Romans of any power, he only reduces the target's health by 50. After each battle, Obelix becomes unavailable for battle until he is made combat-ready again by completing certain quest chains.
Obelix also appears in Egypt, where he also sets taskshis only job is to give certain quests.
==Making Obelix ready to fight==
{| class="C1table"
| colspan="7"|Obelix - CharacterdetailsCharacter Details
!|'''Quest to unlock'''
Obelix is ​​invincible in battle against the Romans (patrols or legions). This means that the fight is won, no matter how many strength points are used. Its Have own strength is 50 and cannot be increased by potions or weapons.
After a fight, Obelix is ​​no longer combat-ready and must first be unlocked again through a quest.
At Obelix, the specialties specialities won in the race can be exchanged for Wreaths.
Each Wreath takes 5 minutes to make. The number of specialties to be used varies from three (for the first stages) to one for the last two stages.
||<span id="Resources_for_hard_times">Resources for hard times</span>
||Deliver 6 Stone<br \>Deliver 6 Straw<br \>Deliver 6 Wood
||10 XP<br \>200 RP<br \>2 2x Roman Helmet
||Level 6
||<span id="A_small_snack">A little snack</span>
||Deliver 10 foodFood||25 points of resistanceRP<br \>5 5x Roman Helmet||More food storage space
||<span id="Hide and seek_with_Romans">Hide and seek with Romans</span>
||Defeat 2 patrolsPatrols||12 XP<br \>25 RP<br \>3x Medium Regeneration Potionof Regeneration
||Asterix: More Food More Fun<br \>Level 7
| colspan="4"|Quests in Egypt
||'''Quest nameName'''
||<span id="Make_friends_in_Egypt">Making friends in Egypt</span>
||Defeat 2 patrols Patrols in Egypt
||15 XP<br />30 Sesterces
||NumerobisEdifis: Hire Workers
||<span id="Lack_of_wild_boars">Lack of boar</span>
||Hunt 6 Boarsboars<br />Journey to Gaul
||17 XP<br />33 Sesterces
||Making friends in Egypt
||Deliver 5x Boar Bone
||20 XP<br />52 Sesterces
||Asterix: MirageFata Morgana
{| class="B1table"
| colspan="4"|'''Nice betBet'''
!|'''Quest nameName'''
||<span id="Nice_bet">A Nice bet</span>
||Complete the quests below
||10 XP<br />55 Sesterces<br />Obelix ready for actionbattle
||Hide and seek with Romans<br \>Level 7
||<span id="The_wild boar bet">The boar bet</span>
||Hunt 2 Boarsboars
||6 XP<br />35 Sesterces
||Hide and seek with Romans<br \>Level 7
{| class="B1table"
| colspan="4"|'''Menhirs need companyCompany<br />'''
!|'''Quest nameName'''
||<span id="A_Hinkelstein_doesn't_like_to_be_alone">Menhirs need company<br /></span>
||Complete the quests below
||18 XP<br />70 Sesterce<br />Obelix is ​​availableready for battle
||Asterix: The Celebration
| colspan="5"|[[event_winter_event|Winter Event - Repeatable Quests]] [[File:Single_Missions.PNG]]
!|'''Quest nameName'''
||<span id="Catch">Go fetch<br /></span>
||Collect 20x SnowballsSnowball
||25 XP<br />2x Boar Bone
||Level 12
| colspan="4"|Hockyevent - quest series
!|'''Quest nameName'''
||<span id="More_Fun_with_Romans">More Fun with Romans</span>