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(Created page with "<div style="width: 900px;"> Details zur Reise Reise nach Korsika Reise nach Britannien Reisen Hispanien|Re...")
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[[Reisen_Allgemeines|Details zur Reise]]
[[Journey_General|Details about the "Journey"]]
[[Reisen Korsika|Reise nach Korsika]]
[[Journey_Corsica|Journey to Corsika]]
[[Reisen Britannien|Reise nach Britannien]]
[[Journey_Britain|Journey to Britain]]
[[Reisen Hispanien|Reise nach Hispanien]]
[[Journey_Hispania|Journey to Hispania]]
Die Missionen in Hispanien werden freigeschaltet, wenn mindestens Level 40 und in Britannien die Rufstufe Honorig erreicht wurde.
The missions in Hispania are unlocked when you have reached at least level 40 and Trusted reputation in Britain.
Eine beunruhigende Nachricht erreicht unsere gallischen Helden: Pepe, der Sohn des hispanischen Häuptlings Costa y Bravo, ist verschwunden! Niemand weiß, ob er von Römern oder Banditen entführt wurde oder sich in den endlosen Weiten Hispanias verirrt hat. Sein Vater bittet die Gallier, nach Hispanien zu kommen, um bei der Suche nach Pepe zu helfen. Natürlich lassen unsere Helden sofort alles stehen und liegen und eilen ihm zu Hilfe.
Disturbing news reaches our Gaulish heroes: Pepe, the son of the Hispanic chief Huevos y Bacon, has disappeared! No one knows whether he was kidnapped by Romans or bandits, or lost in the endless expanses of Hispania. His father asks the Gauls to come to Hispania to help find Pepe. Of course, our heroes immediately drop everything and rush to his aid.
Für den in den Kapiteln gesammelten Hispanischen Kräuterwein können im Hispanien-Markt Waren gekauft werden.
Goods can be bought in the Hispania Market for the Hispanic Herbal Wine collected in the chapters.
{| class="potiontable"
{| class="potiontable"
||Preis <br />(Hispanischer Kräuterwein)
||Price <br />(Hispanic Herbal Wine)
||Freigeschaltet bei Erreichen
||Unlock at
||5x Geheime Nachricht
||5x Secret Message
||149 Römerhelme
||149 Roman helmets
||Zu Beginn frei
||Initially free
||Zu Beginn frei
||Initially free
||Linen cloth
||Zu Beginn frei
||Initially free
||Kleefeld (Verschönerung)
||Clover Field (embellishment)
||Iberischer Helm
||Iberian Helmet
||Roter Edelstein
||Red Gemstone
||Blumenfest (Verschönerung)
||Flower Festival (Beautification)
||Gladiator Shield
||Unglaublicher Trank des K.O.'s
||Incredible Potion of the KO's
||Resistance Point
||Rosenbogen (Verschönerung)
||Rose Arch (Embellishment)
||Befestigter Torbogen (Verschönerung)
||Fortified Archway (Embellishment)
||Iberisches Schwert
||Iberian Sword
||Etrusischer Wein
||Etruscan Wine
||Roter Umhang (Waffe im Boxring)
||Red Cape (weapon in boxing ring)
||Frühlingsgefühle (Verschönerung)
||Spring Fever (Embellishment)
||Kriegertor (Verschönerung)
||Warrior's Gate (embellishment)
||Aurochs Skull Staff
||100% Held
||100% Hero
==Übersicht der Missionen==
==Mission overview==
===Hispanien Ruf: Neutral===
===Hispain Reputation: Neutral===
Kosten für ein Kapitel: 750 Sesterzen
Cost of one chapter: 750 Sesterces
Rufpunkte nötig für Aufstieg zu Freundlich: 350
Reputation points needed to advance to Friendly: 350
{| class="M1table"
{| class="M1table"
||Name der Mission
||Name of the mission
||Belohnung:<br />Rufpunkte<br />Landeswährung
||Reward:<br />Reputation Points<br />National Currency
||Kosten in RH<br />zum Abkürzen
||Cost in RH<br />for abbreviation
||Römer in den Bäumen
||Romans in the trees
||1:30 std
||1:30 hrs
||+ 12<br />+ 12
||+ 12<br />+ 12
||Besuch im Römerlager
||Visit to the Roman camp
||3:05 std
||3:05 hrs
||+ 14<br />+ 17
||+ 14<br />+ 17
||Auf nach Hispanien!
||Off to Hispania!
||4:40 std
||4:40 hrs
||+ 17<br />+ 26
||+ 17<br />+ 26
||Flotten Möwe braucht flotte Reparatur
||Neat Seagull needs swift repairs
||6:20 std
||6:20 hrs
||+ 20<br />+ 34
||+ 20<br />+ 34
||Chase chase
||8:00 std
||8:00 hrs
||+ 24<br />+ 39
||+ 24<br />+ 39
||Auf sie mit Gebrüll
||At them with a roar
||9:40 std
||9:40 hrs
||+ 26<br />+ 43
||+ 26<br />+ 43
||Auf hispanischem Boden
||On Hispanic soil
||11:25 std
||11:25 hrs
||+ 29<br />+ 49
||+ 29<br />+ 49
||Per Anhalter zur Grenze
||Hitchhiking to the border
||13:10 std
||13:10 hrs
||+ 32<br />+ 56
||+ 32<br />+ 56
||Bitte rechts ranfahren!
||Please pull over!
||15:35 std
||15:35 hrs
||+ 36<br />+ 64
||+ 36<br />+ 64
Benötigte Kapitel bis zum Aufstieg: 13 (Jeweils im höchsten Modus)
Chapters needed to level up: 13 (each in the highest mode)
Benötigte Römerhelme bis zum Aufstieg: 899 (Wenn jedes Kapitel sofort abgekürzt wird)
Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 899 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)
<!--Benötigte Zeit bis zum Aufstieg: 135:45 Stunden (Summierte Laufzeit aller Kapitel)-->
<!--Time needed to climb: 135:45 hours (total running time of all chapters)-->
===Hispanien Ruf: Freundlich===
===Hispanic Reputation: Friendly===
Kosten für ein Kapitel: 925 Sesterzen
Cost of one chapter: 925 Sesterces
Rufpunkte nötig für Aufstieg zu Honorig: 530
Reputation points required to advance to Trusted: 530
{| class="M1table"
{| class="M1table"
||Name der Mission
||Name of the mission
||Belohnung:<br />Rufpunkte<br />Landeswährung
||Reward:<br />Reputation Points<br />National Currency
||Kosten in RH<br />zum Abkürzen
||Cost in RH<br />for abbreviation
||Knifflige Kletterpartie
||Tricky climb
||1:50 std
||1:50 hrs
||+ 14<br />+ 13
||+ 14<br />+ 13
||Eckstein, Eckstein, alles muss versteckt sein!
||Eckstein, Eckstein, everything must be hidden!
||3:35 std
||3:35 hrs
||+ 16<br />+ 18
||+ 16<br />+ 18
||Höhenangst nicht erwünscht
||Fear of heights not desired
||5:25 std
||5:25 hrs
||+ 19<br />+ 28
||+ 19<br />+ 28
||Immer Ärger mit den Römern
||Always trouble with the Romans
||7:15 std
||7:15 hrs
||+ 22<br />+37
||+ 22<br />+37
||Wo geht's lang nach Pompaelo?
||Which way to Pompaelo?
||9:10 std
||9:10 hrs
||+ 25<br />+ 43
||+ 25<br />+ 43
||Costa Y Bravo wartet!
||Costa Y Bravo is waiting!
||11:05 std
||11:05 hrs
||+ 28<br />+ 48
||+ 28<br />+ 48
||Auf der Suche nach Pepe
||Looking for Pepe
||13:05 std
||13:05 hrs
||+ 31<br />+ 54
||+ 31<br />+ 54
||Jeder Hinweis zählt!
||Every hint counts!
||15:00 std
||15:00 hrs
||+ 34<br />+ 63
||+ 34<br />+ 63
||Eine heiße Spur!
||A hot lead!
||17:40 std
||17:40 hrs
||+ 38<br />+ 72
||+ 38<br />+ 72
Benötigte Kapitel bis zum Aufstieg: 18 (Jeweils im höchsten Modus)
Chapters needed to level up: 18 (Each in the highest mode)
Benötigte Römerhelme bis zum Aufstieg: 1.407 (Wenn jedes Kapitel sofort abgekürzt wird)
Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 1,407 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)
<!--Benötigte Zeit bis zum Aufstieg: 243:05 Stunden (Summierte Laufzeit aller Kapitel)-->
<!--Time needed to climb: 243:05 hours (total running time of all chapters)-->
===Hispanien Ruf: Honorig===
===Hispanic Reputation: Trusted===
Kosten für ein Kapitel: 1.150 Sesterzen
Cost for a chapter: 1,150 Sesterces
Rufpunkte nötig für Aufstieg zu Geehrt: 750
Reputation points required to advance to Beloved: 750
{| class="M1table"
{| class="M1table"
||Name der Mission
||Name of the mission
||Belohnung:<br />Rufpunkte<br />Landeswährung
||Reward:<br />Reputation Points<br />National Currency
||Kosten in RH<br />zum Abkürzen
||Cost in RH<br />for abbreviation
||Auf den Spuren von Nomaden
||In the footsteps of nomads
||2:00 std
||2:00 hrs
||+ 15<br />+ 14
||+ 15<br />+ 14
||Kochendes Klima
||Boiling climate
||4:00 std
||4:00 hrs
||+ 18<br />+ 19
||+ 18<br />+ 19
||¡Olé! und ¡AY AA AY!
||¡Olé! and ¡AY AA AY!
||6:00 std
||6:00 hrs
||+ 21<br />+ 30
||+ 21<br />+ 30
||Und weiter geht die Suche
||And the search continues
||8:05 std
||8:05 hrs
||+ 24<br />+ 40
||+ 24<br />+ 40
||Dead end?
||10:10 std
||10:10 hrs
||+ 27<br />+ 46
||+ 27<br />+ 46
||Oh Schreck, die Banditen sind weg!
||Oh dear, the bandits are gone!
||12:20 std
||12:20 hrs
||+ 31<br />+ 52
||+ 31<br />+ 52
||Schläfrige Banditen
||Sleepy bandits
||14:30 std
||14:30 hrs
||+ 34<br />+ 59
||+ 34<br />+ 59
||Raus mit der Sprache!
||Say it out!
||16:40 std
||16:40 hrs
||+ 37<br />+ 69
||+ 37<br />+ 69
||Eine überraschende Wendung!
||A surprising twist!
||19:30 std
||19:30 hrs
||+ 43<br />+ 78
||+ 43<br />+ 78
Benötigte Kapitel bis zum Aufstieg: 21 (Jeweils im höchsten Modus)
Required chapters to level up: 21 (each in the highest mode)
Benötigte Römerhelme bis zum Aufstieg: 1.771 (Wenn jedes Kapitel sofort abgekürzt wird)
Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 1,771 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)
<!--Benötigte Zeit bis zum Aufstieg: 327:15 Stunden (Summierte Laufzeit aller Kapitel)-->
<!--Time needed to climb: 327:15 hours (total running time of all chapters)-->
===Hispanien Ruf: Geehrt===
===Hispain Reputation: Beloved===
Kosten für ein Kapitel: 1.425 Sesterzen
Cost of one chapter: 1,425 sesterces
Rufpunkte nötig für Aufstieg zu Helden: 1.030
Reputation points needed to advance to Heroes: 1,030
{| class="M1table"
{| class="M1table"
||Name der Mission
||Name of the mission
||Belohnung:<br />Rufpunkte<br />Landeswährung
||Reward:<br />Reputation Points<br />National Currency
||Kosten in RH<br />zum Abkürzen
||Cost in RH<br />for abbreviation
||Auf nach Cauca!
||Off to Cauca!
||2:10 std
||2:10 hrs
||+ 17<br />+ 16
||+ 17<br />+ 16
||Chaos in Cauca
||Chaos in Cauca
||4:25 std
||4:25 hrs
||+ 21<br />+ 28
||+ 21<br />+ 28
||6:40 std
||6:40 hrs
||+ 24<br />+ 36
||+ 24<br />+ 36
||Segovia, wir kommen!
||Segovia, here we come!
||8:55 std
||8:55 hrs
||+ 27<br />+ 43
||+ 27<br />+ 43
||Suche in Segovia
||Search in Segovia
||11:15 std
||11:15 hrs
||+ 31<br />+ 54
||+ 31<br />+ 54
||Und weiter geht's nach Helmantica!
||And on we go to Helmantica!
||13:35 std
||13:35 hrs
||+ 34<br />+ 65
||+ 34<br />+ 65
||Hinweise in Helmantica?
||Clues in Helmantica?
||16:00 std
||16:00 hrs
||+ 38<br />+ 71
||+ 38<br />+ 71
||Nächster Halt: Corduba!
||Next stop: Corduba!
||18:25 std
||18:25 hrs
||+ 42<br />+ 79
||+ 42<br />+ 79
||Kalte Spur in Corduba?
||Cold track in Corduba?
||21:30 std
||21:30 hrs
||+ 47<br />+ 87
||+ 47<br />+ 87
Benötigte Kapitel bis zum Aufstieg: 23 (Jeweils im höchsten Modus)
Chapters needed to level up: 23 (Each in the highest mode)
Benötigte Römerhelme bis zum Aufstieg: 2.051 (Wenn jedes Kapitel sofort abgekürzt wird)
Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 2,051 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)
<!--Benötigte Zeit bis zum Aufstieg: 403:55 Stunden (Summierte Laufzeit aller Kapitel)-->
<!--Time needed to climb: 403:55 hours (total running time of all chapters)-->
===Hispanien Ruf: Helden===
===Hispain Reputation: Heroes===
Kosten für ein Kapitel: 1.700 Sesterzen
Cost for a chapter: 1,700 sesterces
Rufpunkte nötig für Aufstieg zu 100% Held: 1.460
Reputation points needed to advance to 100% Hero: 1,460
{| class="M1table"
{| class="M1table"
||Name der Mission
||Name of the mission
||Belohnung:<br />Rufpunkte<br />Landeswährung
||Reward:<br />Reputation Points<br />National Currency
||Kosten in RH<br />zum Abkürzen
||Cost in RH<br />for abbreviation
||Pepe dicht auf den Fersen
||Pepe close behind
||2:50 std
||2:50 hrs
||+ 21<br />+ 20
||+ 21<br />+ 20
||Brot und Spiele und Julius Cäsar!
||Bread and circuses and Julius Caesar!
||5:40 std
||5:40 hrs
||+ 25<br />+ 33
||+ 25<br />+ 33
||Listig, Listig!
||Sly, sly!
||8:35 std
||8:35 hrs
||+ 29<br />+ 44
||+ 29<br />+ 44
||Wo steckt Pepe?
||Where is Pepe?
||11:30 std
||11:30 hrs
||+ 33<br />+ 55
||+ 33<br />+ 55
||Pepe, der Matador
||Pepe the matador
||14:25 std
||14:25 hrs
||+ 37<br />+ 66
||+ 37<br />+ 66
||Zugabe! Zugabe!
||Encore! encore!
||17:25 std
||17:25 hrs
||+ 41<br />+ 77
||+ 41<br />+ 77
||Julius Cäsars guter Ruf
||Julius Caesar's reputation
||20:25 std
||20:25 hrs
||+ 46<br />+ 88
||+ 46<br />+ 88
||Auf geht's nach Hause
||Let's go home
||23:30 std
||23:30 hrs
||+ 50<br />+ 99
||+ 50<br />+ 99
||Heimtückische Belagerung
||Insidious Siege
27:10 std
27:10 hrs
||+ 55<br />+ 111
||+ 55<br />+ 111
Benötigte Kapitel bis zum Aufstieg: 21 (Jeweils im höchsten Modus)
Required chapters to level up: 21 (each in the highest mode)
Benötigte Römerhelme bis zum Aufstieg: 2.115 (Wenn jedes Kapitel sofort abgekürzt wird)
Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 2,115 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)
<!--Benötigte Zeit bis zum Aufstieg: 145:30 Stunden (Summierte Laufzeit aller Kapitel)-->
<!--Time needed to climb: 145:30 hours (total running time of all chapters)-->
Bei einer Ruferhöhung werden Belohnungen in aufsteigender Wertigkeit verteilt.<br />Angezeigt wird jeweils die Belohnung nach der Stufe.
When reputation increases, rewards are distributed in ascending order of value.<br />The reward is displayed according to the level.
{| class="M1table"
{| class="M1table"
||Belohnung 1
||Reward 1st
||Belohnung 2
||Reward 2
||Belohnung 3
||Reward 3
||Belohnung 4
||Reward 4th
||Belohnung 5
||Reward 5th
||75 RH
||75 RH
||105 Nahrung
||105 food
||1.875 WP
||1,875 RP
||1x Sarkophag
||1x sarcophagus
||Dekoration: Blumenwiese
||Decoration: flower meadow
||105 RH
||105 RH
||115 Nahrung
||115 food
||3.750 WP
||3,750 RP
||1x Gotischer Helm
||1x Gothic Helmet
||135 RH
||135 RH
||125 Nahrung
||125 food
||5.625 WP
||5,625 RP
||1x Gotische Hellebarde
||1x Gothic Halberd
||Dekoration: Torbogen
||Decoration: Archway
||165 RH
||165 RH
||135 Nahrung
||135 food
||7.500 WP
||7,500 RP
||1x Goldener Wikingerschild
||1x Golden Viking Shield
||500 RH
||500 RH
||270 Nahrung
||270 food
||12.500 WP
||12,500 RP
||Inventory Bag

Revision as of 14:01, 4 February 2023

Details about the "Journey"

Journey to Corsika

Journey to Britain

Journey to Hispania


The missions in Hispania are unlocked when you have reached at least level 40 and Trusted reputation in Britain.


Disturbing news reaches our Gaulish heroes: Pepe, the son of the Hispanic chief Huevos y Bacon, has disappeared! No one knows whether he was kidnapped by Romans or bandits, or lost in the endless expanses of Hispania. His father asks the Gauls to come to Hispania to help find Pepe. Of course, our heroes immediately drop everything and rush to his aid.


Goods can be bought in the Hispania Market for the Hispanic Herbal Wine collected in the chapters.

Goods Price
(Hispanic Herbal Wine)
Unlock at
5x Secret Message 149 Roman helmets Initially free
Date 21 Initially free
Linen cloth 43 Initially free
Pearl 19 Friendly
Jack 39 Friendly
Clover Field (embellishment) 300 Friendly
Iberian Helmet 299 Friendly
Red Gemstone 28 Trusted
Scaffolding 33 Trusted
Flower Festival (Beautification) 350 Trusted
Gladiator Shield 383 Trusted
Incredible Potion of the KO's 33 Trusted
Resistance Point 1 Beloved
Rose Arch (Embellishment) 300 Beloved
Fortified Archway (Embellishment) 350 Beloved
Iberian Sword 366 Beloved
Etruscan Wine 80 Beloved
Battleaxe 333 Heroes
Red Cape (weapon in boxing ring) 225 Heroes
Spring Fever (Embellishment) 450 Heroes
Warrior's Gate (embellishment) 450 Heroes
Aurochs Skull Staff 390 100% Hero

Mission overview

Hispain Reputation: Neutral

Cost of one chapter: 750 Sesterces

Reputation points needed to advance to Friendly: 350

Name of the mission Duration Reward:
Reputation Points
National Currency
Cost in RH
for abbreviation
Romans in the trees 1:30 hrs + 12
+ 12
Visit to the Roman camp 3:05 hrs + 14
+ 17
Off to Hispania! 4:40 hrs + 17
+ 26
Neat Seagull needs swift repairs 6:20 hrs + 20
+ 34
Chase chase 8:00 hrs + 24
+ 39
At them with a roar 9:40 hrs + 26
+ 43
On Hispanic soil 11:25 hrs + 29
+ 49
Hitchhiking to the border 13:10 hrs + 32
+ 56
Please pull over! 15:35 hrs + 36
+ 64

Chapters needed to level up: 13 (each in the highest mode)

Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 899 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)

Hispanic Reputation: Friendly

Cost of one chapter: 925 Sesterces

Reputation points required to advance to Trusted: 530

Name of the mission Duration Reward:
Reputation Points
National Currency
Cost in RH
for abbreviation
Tricky climb 1:50 hrs + 14
+ 13
Eckstein, Eckstein, everything must be hidden! 3:35 hrs + 16
+ 18
Fear of heights not desired 5:25 hrs + 19
+ 28
Always trouble with the Romans 7:15 hrs + 22
Which way to Pompaelo? 9:10 hrs + 25
+ 43
Costa Y Bravo is waiting! 11:05 hrs + 28
+ 48
Looking for Pepe 13:05 hrs + 31
+ 54
Every hint counts! 15:00 hrs + 34
+ 63
A hot lead! 17:40 hrs + 38
+ 72

Chapters needed to level up: 18 (Each in the highest mode)

Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 1,407 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)

Hispanic Reputation: Trusted

Cost for a chapter: 1,150 Sesterces

Reputation points required to advance to Beloved: 750

Name of the mission Duration Reward:
Reputation Points
National Currency
Cost in RH
for abbreviation
In the footsteps of nomads 2:00 hrs + 15
+ 14
Boiling climate 4:00 hrs + 18
+ 19
¡Olé! and ¡AY AA AY! 6:00 hrs + 21
+ 30
And the search continues 8:05 hrs + 24
+ 40
Dead end? 10:10 hrs + 27
+ 46
Oh dear, the bandits are gone! 12:20 hrs + 31
+ 52
Sleepy bandits 14:30 hrs + 34
+ 59
Say it out! 16:40 hrs + 37
+ 69
A surprising twist! 19:30 hrs + 43
+ 78

Required chapters to level up: 21 (each in the highest mode)

Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 1,771 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)

Hispain Reputation: Beloved

Cost of one chapter: 1,425 sesterces

Reputation points needed to advance to Heroes: 1,030

Name of the mission Duration Reward:
Reputation Points
National Currency
Cost in RH
for abbreviation
Off to Cauca! 2:10 hrs + 17
+ 16
Chaos in Cauca 4:25 hrs + 21
+ 28
Horsepower! 6:40 hrs + 24
+ 36
Segovia, here we come! 8:55 hrs + 27
+ 43
Search in Segovia 11:15 hrs + 31
+ 54
And on we go to Helmantica! 13:35 hrs + 34
+ 65
Clues in Helmantica? 16:00 hrs + 38
+ 71
Next stop: Corduba! 18:25 hrs + 42
+ 79
Cold track in Corduba? 21:30 hrs + 47
+ 87

Chapters needed to level up: 23 (Each in the highest mode)

Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 2,051 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)

Hispain Reputation: Heroes

Cost for a chapter: 1,700 sesterces

Reputation points needed to advance to 100% Hero: 1,460

Name of the mission Duration Reward:
Reputation Points
National Currency
Cost in RH
for abbreviation
Pepe close behind 2:50 hrs + 21
+ 20
Bread and circuses and Julius Caesar! 5:40 hrs + 25
+ 33
Sly, sly! 8:35 hrs + 29
+ 44
Where is Pepe? 11:30 hrs + 33
+ 55
Pepe the matador 14:25 hrs + 37
+ 66
Encore! encore! 17:25 hrs + 41
+ 77
Julius Caesar's reputation 20:25 hrs + 46
+ 88
Let's go home 23:30 hrs + 50
+ 99
Insidious Siege

27:10 hrs

+ 55
+ 111

Required chapters to level up: 21 (each in the highest mode)

Roman Helmets Required to Ascension: 2,115 (If each chapter is immediately abbreviated)


When reputation increases, rewards are distributed in ascending order of value.
The reward is displayed according to the level.

reputation Reward 1st Reward 2 Reward 3 Reward 4th Reward 5th
Neutral 75 RH 105 food 1,875 RP 1x sarcophagus Decoration: flower meadow
Friendly 105 RH 115 food 3,750 RP 1x Gothic Helmet
Trusted 135 RH 125 food 5,625 RP 1x Gothic Halberd Decoration: Archway
Beloved 165 RH 135 food 7,500 RP 1x Golden Viking Shield
Heroes 500 RH 270 food 12,500 RP Inventory Bag