Difference between revisions of "Journey Story Britain 5 Hero"

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|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 1
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 1
||'''Inkognito unterwegs'''
| colspan="2"|Frohen Mutes machen sich die Gallier zusammen mit Teefax und Isteinklax auf den Weg zum rebellischen britischen Dorf, doch die Straßen wimmeln nur so von Römern! Was für ein Glück, dass an diesem Tag ein Blasenball-Spiel um die Stammeskrone stattfindet! Mit ein wenig Glück können sich unsere Helden unerkannt unter die Menge der begeisterten Fans mischen!
| colspan="2"|Together with Anticlimax and Funfax, the Gauls cheerfully set off to the rebellious British village, but the streets are teeming with Romans!What a lucky coincidence that today is a bladder ball game for the tribal crown! With a bit of luck, our heroes can mingle with the crowd of enthusiastic fans to avoid being recognized on their way.
||Inmitten der jubelnden und feiernden Fans fallen die Gallier überhaupt nicht auf und schaffen es ungesehen zum Stadion. Teefax und Isteinklax, die unsere Helden auf dem Weg die Regeln des Blasenball-Spiels erläutern haben, wirken ein wenig niedergeschlagen, dass sie nicht die Zeit haben, sich das Spiel anzuschauen, doch sie müssen schleunigst das Rebellendorf erreichen.
||Amid the cheering and celebrating fans, the Gauls don't get noticed at all and arrive at the stadium unseen.Enthusiastically, Anticlimax and Funfax had explained the rules of the bladder ball game and now they seem a little sad that they don't get to watch the game. But time is of the essence and they need to reach their village as quickly as possible.
||Oh nein, das Glück scheint den Galliern dieses Mal nicht Hold zu sein. Mitten auf dem Weg zum Stadion führen die Römer eine Kontrolle durch und fischen unsere Helden aus der Menge. Was für ein Schlamassel!
||Oh no, this time our Gauls weren't lucky at all! Halfway towards the stadium, the Romans stop the jolly crowd to check for Gauls. They discover our heroes and pick them out one by one. What a dilemma!
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 2
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 2
||'''Oh Schreck, Teefax ist wieder weg!'''
||'''Oh dear, Anticlimax has disappeared... Again!'''
| colspan="2"|Unentdeckt am Stadion angekommen, wollen sich die Gallier zusammen mit Teefax und Isteinklax sogleich weiter zum Dorf begeben, doch oh Schreck, Teefax ist plötzlich verschwunden! Wo ist er nur geblieben?
| colspan="2"|After arriving at the stadium undiscovered, the Gauls want to continue their way to the rebellious village, but oh dear, Anticlimax has disappeared again! Where did he go?
||Hektisch sehen sich die Gallier nach Teefax um und sehen noch im letzten Moment, wie er ins Stadion geschleppt wird! Ohje, da haben sie ihn doch nur eine Sekunde aus den Augen gelassen. Nichts wie hinterher!
||The Gauls frantically look around for Anticlimaxl and spot him at the last moment, getting dragged into the stadium! Oh dear, they had only lost sight of him for a second! Now they must hurry after their jolly friend.
||Verdammt aber auch, unsere Gallier können Teefax nirgendwo entdecken, er ist einfach wie vom Erdboden verschluckt. Was machen sie denn jetzt nur? Sie hatten es doch schon so weit geschafft!
||By Toutatis, our Gauls can't find Anticlimax anywhere, it's just like he vanished off the face of the earth!What should they do now? They were already so close to his village!
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 3
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 3
||'''Auf Umwegen ins Stadion'''
||'''Roundabout ways<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Als die Gallier Teefax ins Stadion folgen wollen, werden sie an der Ticketkasse aufgehalten, da keine Plätze mehr frei sind. Ohje, wie kommen sie denn jetzt nur hinein? Sie müssen sich schnell etwas einfallen lassen, bevor sie Teefax gänzlich aus den Augen verlieren!
| colspan="2"|When trying to follow Anticlimax into the stadium, the Gauls get stopped at the ticket counter because there are no more seats available. Oh dear, how should they get in now?They quickly need to come up with something before they lose Anticlimax entirely!
||Nachdem der Türsteher vor dem Spielereingang unsere Gallier ebenfalls nicht vorbeilassen will, machen sie eine Räuberleiter hinter dem Stadion und gelangen so ungesehen auf die Tribüne. Nun müssen sie Teefax finden!
||After the doorman in front of the players' entrance doesn't want to let our Gauls pass either, they gather behind the stadium and give each other a leg-up to climb onto the stands unseen. Now they have to find Anticlimax again!
||Herjemine, die Briten passen wirklich gut darauf Acht, dass sich niemand ungesehen ins Stadion schleichen kann. Nach einem missglückten Versuch sich durch den Spielereingang zu schmuggeln, werden unsere Helden vom Türsteher davongejagt. Das war wohl nichts!
||Well, that didn't work. After an unsuccessful attempt to slip into the stadium through the player entrance, our heroes get chased away by the doorman. The Britons really make sure that no one watches a bladder ball game without having purchased a ticket.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 4
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 4
||'''Laufen was das Zeug hält!'''
||'''Run as fast as you can<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Nachdem sich die Gallier erfolgreich ins Stadion geschmuggelt haben, halten sie Ausschau nach Teefax. Da! Er steht direkt am Spielfeldrand, festgehalten von einigen seltsamen Gestalten. Jetzt aber schnell! Unsere Helden müssen Teefax befreien und ihn schnell aus dem Stadion schaffen.
| colspan="2"|After successfully sneaking into the stadium, the Gauls keep an eye out for Anticlimax. There! He's right on the edge of the field, held by some strange looking fellas. Hurry up now! Our heroes have to free him and make a quick getaway out of the stadium.
||In einem unbeobachteten Moment schnappen sich die Gallier Teefax, reißen ihn los und rennen davon was das Zeug hält, mitten übers Spielfeld. Dabei den vielen Spielern auszuweichen, die kreuz und quer durcheinanderrennen, ist gar nicht so einfach, doch unsere Helden schlagen Haken wie ein Hase und schaffen es unbeschadet durch die wilde Meute.
||In an unobserved moment, the Gauls grab Anticlimax, tear him loose and run off as fast as they can, right across the field. Avoiding the many players running left and right is not that easy, but our heroes zig-zag their way through the mob unscathed.
||Ohje, da haben unsere Gallier aber die Rechnung ohne die großen, wuchtigen Spieler gemacht! Die sehen es nämlich gar nicht gerne, wenn Zuschauer einfach so über das Feld flitzen. Sofort stürzen sich die Spieler auf unsere Helden und sie können Teefax nicht mehr erreichen.
||Oh dear, our Gauls didn't reckon with the big, bulky players! They don't like to see fans whizzing across the field. The players immediately bear down on our heroes and they can't reach Anticlimax anymore.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 5
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 5
||'''Römer in Zivil'''
||'''Romans in disguise<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Herrje, nicht auch das noch! Als wären die großen, kantigen Spieler nicht schon genug, springen jetzt auch noch Römer in Zivil auf das Feld und rücken den Galliern auf die Pelle. Ob es unsere Helden wohl mit beiden gleichzeitig aufnehmen können?
| colspan="2"|Jeez, not that as well! As if the big, bulky players weren't enough, Romans in disguise jump onto the field and start approaching the Gauls.Can our heroes take on both groups at the same time?
||Bum! Paff! Knuff! Die Römer fliegen auseinander, als hätte sie eine Kanonenkugel getroffen. Sind unsere Gallier erst einmal in voller Fahrt, hält sie eben niemand mehr auf. Sie erreichen das Ende des Spielfeldes und entkommen samt Teefax aus dem Stadion.
||Boom! Paff! Bang! The Romans fly in all directions as if they had been hit by a cannonball. Once our Gauls are at full speed, no one can stop them.They reach the end of the field and escape the stadium together with Anticlimax unharmed.
||Die Gallier haben es schon schwer genug mit den Spielern, aber als noch die Römer anfangen mitzumischen, müssen sie sich geschlagen geben. Mit so vielen Leuten auf einmal können sie es einfach nicht aufnehmen. Was für ein Dilemma!
||The Gauls are already having a hard time with the players, but when the Romans start to get involved, they have to admit their defeat. They just can't take on so many people at once. What a dilemma!
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 6
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 6
||'''Ausweichen oder kentern'''
||'''Evade or capsize<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Unsere Gallier haben es unbeschadet aus dem Stadion geschafft und machen sich nun geschwind auf zu Teefax’ und Isteinklax’ Dorf. Dafür müssen sie noch einen breiten Fluss überqueren, auf dem die römischen Galeeren und Katapulte bereits auf sie warten. Ohje, ob sie den Geschossen wohl ausweichen können?
| colspan="2"|Our Gauls make it out of the stadium unscathed and are now heading to Anticlimax's and Funfax's village. To reach it, they still have to cross a wide river. But careful! The Roman galleys with their dangerous catapults are already waiting for them.Oh dear, can they evade the missiles?
||Links, rechts, links, rechts! Verzweifelt versuchen die römischen Galeeren die Gallier mit ihren Katapulten zu treffen, doch diese weichen den Geschossen mit Leichtigkeit aus und gelangen wohlbehalten ans andere Ufer. Da müssen die Römer wohl noch Zielen üben!
||Left, right, left, right! The Roman galleys desperately try to hit the Gauls with their catapults, but they evade the missiles with ease and make it to the other riverbank safely.Seems like the Romans still have to work on their aiming skills!
||Zunächst sieht es noch gut aus für die Gallier, sie kommen dem anderen Ufer näher und näher, doch auf den letzten Metern werden sie von einem der Geschosse getroffen und ihr Boot wird zerstört. Geradeso können sie noch ans Ufer schwimmen, doch dort erwarten die Römer sie bereits...
||At first, it's looking good for the Gauls as they are getting closer and closer to the other riverbank. Unfortunately, in the last second they get hit by one of the missiles, destroying their boat. They barely make it out of the water, but a bunch of Romans is already waiting for them...
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 7
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 7
||'''Hartnäckige Belagerung'''
||'''Stubborn siege<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Sicher und trocken am anderen Ufer angekommen, können unsere Helden in der Ferne bereits das von Römern belagerte Rebellendorf erkennen. Ohje, ohje, Teefax und Isteinklax stellen erschrocken fest, dass sich die Anzahl der Soldaten seit dem letzten Mal verdreifacht hat! Hoffentlich können sie sich unbeschadet durch die Reihen von Feinden kämpfen!
| colspan="2"|After arriving on the riverbank safe and dry, our heroes can already make out the rebel village in the distance, besieged by the Romans. Oh dear, oh dear, Anticlimax and Funfax are shocked to discover that the number of soldiers has tripled since the last time!Hopefully, they can make their way through the ranks of enemies unscathed!
||Achja, ein von Römern belagertes Dorf, das einfach nicht aufhören will, Widerstand zu leisten… Unsere Gallier fühlen sich gleich wie zuhause und kämpfen sich hochmotiviert durch die vielen Reihen an römischen Soldaten, bis sie durch das Tor ins Dorf schlüpfen, wo sie von den Dorfbewohnern jubelnd begrüßt werden. Tapfer haben diese den römischen Angriffen Stand gehalten, doch nun sind sie an ihrem Limit. Die Verstärkung ist gerade noch rechtzeitig eingetroffen.
||Oh yes, Romans besieging a village that simply doesn't want to stop resisting... Our Gauls feel at home right away! Highly motivated, they fight their way through the Roman cohorts and finally slip through the gate into the village, where they are happily greeted by the villagers. They bravely withstood the Roman attacks, but now they are at their limits. The reinforcement is well appreciated.
||Die lange, aufregende Reise durch Britannien nagt an den Knochen unserer Helden, während sie sich durch die riesige Legion vor Teefax’ Dorf schlagen. Gerade als sie durch die rettenden Tore des Dorfes schlüpfen wollen, werden sie geschnappt und davongezerrt. Ein Desaster!
||The long and exhausting journey through Britain has taken its toll as the Gauls fight their way through the vast number of cohorts in front of Anticlimax's village. Just as they are about to slip through the village gates, they get caught and dragged away. A disaster!
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 8
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 8
||'''Repair work<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Sowie unsere Gallier, Teefax und Isteinklax im Dorf angekommen sind, stellen sie erschrocken fest, dass die Befestigungen des Dorfes ziemlich mitgenommen sind und den Angriffen der Römern nicht mehr lange Stand halten werden können. Da können unsere Helden mit ihrem handwerklichen Geschick doch sicherlich aushelfen!
| colspan="2"|When our Gauls, Anticlimax, and Funfax arrive in the village, they are shocked to find the fortifications of the village severely damaged, no longer capable to withstand the attacks of the Romans.Our heroes can certainly help out with their craftsmanship!
||Ein paar Nägel hier, ein paar Bretter dort und schon sehen die Palisaden aus wie neu! Mit vereinten Kräften reparieren die Gallier die Befestigungen rund ums Dorf, so dass diese noch etlichen Römerangriffen in der Zukunft Stand halten werden! Das schreit doch gerade danach, dies mit einem heißen Schlückchen Tee zu feiern.
||A couple of nails here, a couple of boards there, and the palisades look as good as new! In a joint effort, the Gauls repair the fortifications around the village, so that they will be able to withstand numerous Roman attacks in the future!Well, that should be celebrated with a hot sip of tea!
||Gerade wollen die Gallier mit der Reparatur der Befestigungen beginnen, da brechen die Römer mit einem Rammbock durchs Tor und stürmen das Dorf! Bevor überhaupt nur ein Dorfbewohner zu seiner Waffe greifen kann, haben die Römer diese schon beschlagnahmt.
||The Gauls are just about to start repairing the fortifications when the Romans break through the gate with a battering ram and storm the village!Before even one villager can grab their weapon, the Romans already seized it.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 9
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 9
||'''Jetzt gibt’s auf die Mütze!'''
||'''Time for a good beating!'''
| colspan="2"|Nun wird's aber Zeit die Römer zu vertreiben! Das ganze Dorf ist schon ganz aufgeregt mal wieder Seite und Seite mit gallischen Helden zu kämpfen! Ordentlich und gesittet, wie die Briten nun einmal sind, stellen sie sich in einer Reihe vor dem Teekessel auf und ein jeder bekommt eine großzügige Tasse voll! Manche sogar mit einem Schlückchen Milch!
| colspan="2"|Now it's time to chase away these Romans! The whole village is extremely excited to fight alongside gaulish heroes again!Neat and well-mannered, as the Britons are, they wait in line in front of the tea cauldron and everyone gets a generous cup full of hot tea! Some of them with a spot of milk even!
||Und los geht's! Jeder Dorfbewohner, inklusive unserer gallischen Helden, nehmen einen großen Schluck Tee und zusammen stürzen sie sich wie wild auf die römische Legion, die gar nicht weiß, wie ihr geschieht! Römer fliegen in alle Himmelsrichtungen davon, es regnet Helme und Sandalen! Was für ein Spaß!
||Let's go! Every villager, including our Gaulish heroes, takes a big sip of tea. Together they charge the bewildered Romans, who don't even understand what's happening to them!Romans fly away in all directions, it's raining helmets and sandals! What a joy!
||Oh nein, bei all der Aufregung um Teefax sichere Rückkehr stößt doch jemand gegen den Teekessel und der ganze Inhalt wird auf dem Boden verschüttet. Was für ein Chaos! In der Hitze des Gefechts rutschen ein paar Briten auf dem Boden aus, wodurch noch mehr Leute ihr Gleichgewicht verlieren, inklusive unsere Gallier. Jetzt ist es für die Römer ein Kinderspiel sie gefangen zu nehmen...
||Oh no, with all the excitement about Anticlimax safe return, someone bumps into the tea cauldron and all of its content spills onto the floor. What a mess! In the heat of the moment some Britons slip on the floor resulting in even more people loosing their balance including our Gauls. Now it's an easy piece of cake for the Romans to capture them...
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|- style="background-color: lightgreen;"
|- style="background-color: lightgreen;"
| colspan="2"|Und so knüpfen unsere gallischen Helden neue Freundschaften in Britannien, retteten Teefax und verjagten die Römer ein zweites Mal. Dadurch, dass Teefax wohlbehalten zurückgekehrt ist, schöpfen die anderen Dorfbewohner neuen Mut und machen den Römern wieder das Leben schwer. Unsere Gallier sind jederzeit bereit zu helfen, sollten ihre Dienste wieder benötigt werden, aber beim nächsten Mal bringen sie sich bestimmt ein paar gebratene Wildschwein mit...
| colspan="2"|And so our gaulish heroes made new friends in Britain, saved Anticlimax and chased away the Romans once more. Since Anticlimax safely returned to his home village, the confidence and optimism of the other residents got restored and now they're giving the Romans a hard time again! Our Gauls are always happy to help if they are needed again, but the next time they will bring some roasted boar with them for sure...
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Latest revision as of 10:40, 12 February 2023

Reputation Trusted


All the texts of the various chapters are available in this area. Both the successful and the failed.

So that - if the chapters have not yet been played through - the tension is maintained, the texts are folded for the time being.

To read, please click on "[Expand]" on the right

Chapter 1 Incognito
Together with Anticlimax and Funfax, the Gauls cheerfully set off to the rebellious British village, but the streets are teeming with Romans!What a lucky coincidence that today is a bladder ball game for the tribal crown! With a bit of luck, our heroes can mingle with the crowd of enthusiastic fans to avoid being recognized on their way.
Success Fail
Amid the cheering and celebrating fans, the Gauls don't get noticed at all and arrive at the stadium unseen.Enthusiastically, Anticlimax and Funfax had explained the rules of the bladder ball game and now they seem a little sad that they don't get to watch the game. But time is of the essence and they need to reach their village as quickly as possible. Oh no, this time our Gauls weren't lucky at all! Halfway towards the stadium, the Romans stop the jolly crowd to check for Gauls. They discover our heroes and pick them out one by one. What a dilemma!
Chapter 2 Oh dear, Anticlimax has disappeared... Again!
After arriving at the stadium undiscovered, the Gauls want to continue their way to the rebellious village, but oh dear, Anticlimax has disappeared again! Where did he go?
Success Fail
The Gauls frantically look around for Anticlimaxl and spot him at the last moment, getting dragged into the stadium! Oh dear, they had only lost sight of him for a second! Now they must hurry after their jolly friend. By Toutatis, our Gauls can't find Anticlimax anywhere, it's just like he vanished off the face of the earth!What should they do now? They were already so close to his village!
Chapter 3 Roundabout ways
When trying to follow Anticlimax into the stadium, the Gauls get stopped at the ticket counter because there are no more seats available. Oh dear, how should they get in now?They quickly need to come up with something before they lose Anticlimax entirely!
Success Fail
After the doorman in front of the players' entrance doesn't want to let our Gauls pass either, they gather behind the stadium and give each other a leg-up to climb onto the stands unseen. Now they have to find Anticlimax again! Well, that didn't work. After an unsuccessful attempt to slip into the stadium through the player entrance, our heroes get chased away by the doorman. The Britons really make sure that no one watches a bladder ball game without having purchased a ticket.
Chapter 4 Run as fast as you can
After successfully sneaking into the stadium, the Gauls keep an eye out for Anticlimax. There! He's right on the edge of the field, held by some strange looking fellas. Hurry up now! Our heroes have to free him and make a quick getaway out of the stadium.
Success Fail
In an unobserved moment, the Gauls grab Anticlimax, tear him loose and run off as fast as they can, right across the field. Avoiding the many players running left and right is not that easy, but our heroes zig-zag their way through the mob unscathed. Oh dear, our Gauls didn't reckon with the big, bulky players! They don't like to see fans whizzing across the field. The players immediately bear down on our heroes and they can't reach Anticlimax anymore.
Chapter 5 Romans in disguise
Jeez, not that as well! As if the big, bulky players weren't enough, Romans in disguise jump onto the field and start approaching the Gauls.Can our heroes take on both groups at the same time?
Success Fail
Boom! Paff! Bang! The Romans fly in all directions as if they had been hit by a cannonball. Once our Gauls are at full speed, no one can stop them.They reach the end of the field and escape the stadium together with Anticlimax unharmed. The Gauls are already having a hard time with the players, but when the Romans start to get involved, they have to admit their defeat. They just can't take on so many people at once. What a dilemma!
Chapter 6 Evade or capsize
Our Gauls make it out of the stadium unscathed and are now heading to Anticlimax's and Funfax's village. To reach it, they still have to cross a wide river. But careful! The Roman galleys with their dangerous catapults are already waiting for them.Oh dear, can they evade the missiles?
Success Fail
Left, right, left, right! The Roman galleys desperately try to hit the Gauls with their catapults, but they evade the missiles with ease and make it to the other riverbank safely.Seems like the Romans still have to work on their aiming skills! At first, it's looking good for the Gauls as they are getting closer and closer to the other riverbank. Unfortunately, in the last second they get hit by one of the missiles, destroying their boat. They barely make it out of the water, but a bunch of Romans is already waiting for them...
Chapter 7 Stubborn siege
After arriving on the riverbank safe and dry, our heroes can already make out the rebel village in the distance, besieged by the Romans. Oh dear, oh dear, Anticlimax and Funfax are shocked to discover that the number of soldiers has tripled since the last time!Hopefully, they can make their way through the ranks of enemies unscathed!
Success Fail
Oh yes, Romans besieging a village that simply doesn't want to stop resisting... Our Gauls feel at home right away! Highly motivated, they fight their way through the Roman cohorts and finally slip through the gate into the village, where they are happily greeted by the villagers. They bravely withstood the Roman attacks, but now they are at their limits. The reinforcement is well appreciated. The long and exhausting journey through Britain has taken its toll as the Gauls fight their way through the vast number of cohorts in front of Anticlimax's village. Just as they are about to slip through the village gates, they get caught and dragged away. A disaster!
Chapter 8 Repair work
When our Gauls, Anticlimax, and Funfax arrive in the village, they are shocked to find the fortifications of the village severely damaged, no longer capable to withstand the attacks of the Romans.Our heroes can certainly help out with their craftsmanship!
Success Fail
A couple of nails here, a couple of boards there, and the palisades look as good as new! In a joint effort, the Gauls repair the fortifications around the village, so that they will be able to withstand numerous Roman attacks in the future!Well, that should be celebrated with a hot sip of tea! The Gauls are just about to start repairing the fortifications when the Romans break through the gate with a battering ram and storm the village!Before even one villager can grab their weapon, the Romans already seized it.
Chapter 9 Time for a good beating!
Now it's time to chase away these Romans! The whole village is extremely excited to fight alongside gaulish heroes again!Neat and well-mannered, as the Britons are, they wait in line in front of the tea cauldron and everyone gets a generous cup full of hot tea! Some of them with a spot of milk even!
Success Fail
Let's go! Every villager, including our Gaulish heroes, takes a big sip of tea. Together they charge the bewildered Romans, who don't even understand what's happening to them!Romans fly away in all directions, it's raining helmets and sandals! What a joy! Oh no, with all the excitement about Anticlimax safe return, someone bumps into the tea cauldron and all of its content spills onto the floor. What a mess! In the heat of the moment some Britons slip on the floor resulting in even more people loosing their balance including our Gauls. Now it's an easy piece of cake for the Romans to capture them...
And so our gaulish heroes made new friends in Britain, saved Anticlimax and chased away the Romans once more. Since Anticlimax safely returned to his home village, the confidence and optimism of the other residents got restored and now they're giving the Romans a hard time again! Our Gauls are always happy to help if they are needed again, but the next time they will bring some roasted boar with them for sure...

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Last modified on 12 February 2023, at 10:40