

17 bytes added, 1 year ago
==Individual Single Achievements==Some achievements require a commodity single task and only have a one reward and a one star. An example is finding the secret boar"Travel to Egypt". When leveling up, you have to wait a short time before take the boar appears little boat and head over to Alexandria this achievement is fulfilled and you get the reward for this achievement can be collected. The reward can only be earned once.
==Multiple Multi-tier achievements or achievements made over time==
Many achievements require performing an action a certain number of times and usually have 3 tiers of rewards.
==Random SuccessesAchievements that can only be achieved by chance==
Some achievements are very difficult to obtain and cannot be consciously completed...they just happen eventually with a certain probability. The achievements of losing against a high-chance Legion and winning against a low-chance Legion just happen over time and require some luck/bad luck.
For the "Master Strategist" achievement, which requires winning a battle against the Romans with a low chance of winning, the chance of winning must be 4% or less. To achieve this, a good recommendation is to take an Egyptian worker to 0 power, equip it with a normal spear, and then attack a 20 power patrol (in Alexandria) with that worker. After a few to many attempts with this method, you should be able to complete the success. See also: [[Tips_for_Quest_"Master_Strategist"]]
* Equipment manager - Complete the task "Too strong for it"
* Fair Game Protector - Complete the task "Fair Game"
 The Hockey-Event was a one-time event and will very probably NOT come again.<br />So if you haven't accomplished these achievements they will stay forever as "unsolved".