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===Rufstufe Freundlich===
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==Reputation Friendly==
All the texts of the various chapters are available in this area. Both the successful and the failed.
So that - if the chapters have not yet been played through - the tension is maintained, the texts are folded for the time being.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 900px; margin: auto;"
|- style="background-color: #ffcc00;"
| colspan="2"|To read, please click on "[Expand]" on the right
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 1
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 1
||'''Romans in the woods?<br />'''
||'''Romans in the woods?<br />'''
| colspan="2"|In good spirits, our Gaulish heroes are on their way to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's home village. [nlbr]They traverse the Corsican forest and soon they can't get rid of the feeling that they are being watched. Could Romans be sneaking between the trees? They better keep their eyes open!
| colspan="2"|In good spirits, our Gaulish heroes are on their way to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's home village. They traverse the Corsican forest and soon they can't get rid of the feeling that they are being watched. Could Romans be sneaking between the trees? They better keep their eyes open!
||Buoyantly, the Gauls make quick progress, although they keep looking over their shoulders vigilantly from time to time. After all, Roman spies could be lurking anywhere! [nlbr]Nevertheless, our Gaulish heroes enjoy the Corsican nature on their way and take a deep breath of the fresh forest air.
||Buoyantly, the Gauls make quick progress, although they keep looking over their shoulders vigilantly from time to time. After all, Roman spies could be lurking anywhere! Nevertheless, our Gaulish heroes enjoy the Corsican nature on their way and take a deep breath of the fresh forest air.
||The Gauls simply can't shed the feeling of being watched and so they stop every few meters and keep an eye open, but unsuccessfully. Shivers keep running down their spines, preventing them from progressing as fast as they planned.
||The Gauls simply can't shed the feeling of being watched and so they stop every few meters and keep an eye open, but unsuccessfully. Shivers keep running down their spines, preventing them from progressing as fast as they planned.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 2
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 2
||'''Unsichtbare Augen'''
||'''Invisible eyes<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Immer tiefer dringen unsere gallischen Helden in den Wald vor und immer stärker wird das Gefühl, dass unsichtbare Augen auf ihnen ruhen. Da! Was war das? Ein Rascheln, ein Flüstern, Stille! Haben sie etwa Stimmen gehört? Werden sie vielleicht von Römern vSuccesst? Es wird Zeit nachzusehen!
| colspan="2"|Our Gaulish heroes advance deeper and deeper into the forest and the feeling of invisible eyes resting on them grows stronger and stronger. There! What was that? A rustle, a whisper, silence! Did they hear voices? Are they being tracked by the Romans? It's time to have a look!
||Auf Zehenspitzen schleichen sich die Gallier an das Gebüsch heran! Das Rascheln wird lauter und lauter und jeden Moment rechnen sie damit, dass ein Römer hervor springt, doch- Was ist das? Ein knuffiges Eichhörnchen lugt aus den Ästen hervor. Ob es wohl ihr pelziger Freund gewesen ist, der sie durch den Wald vSuccesst hat?
||On tiptoes, the Gauls sneak up to the bushes. The rustling gets louder and louder and they expect a Roman to jump out at any moment, but - what is that? A cute squirrel is peeking out of the branches. Could it have been their furry friend who chased them through the forest?
||Gerade wollen sich die Gallier an das Gebüsch heranschleichen, da stolpert einer von ihnen über eine Wurzel und stürzt zu Boden. Der Busch raschelt lauter auf als zuvor und dann- Stille. Wer auch immer sich versteckt hat, hat die Flucht ergriffen!
||The Gauls are just about to sneak up on the bushes when one of them stumbles over a root and falls to the ground. The bush rustles louder than before and then - silence. Whoever was hiding has fled!
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 3
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 3
||'''Ein Weg über den Fluss'''
||'''A path across the river'''
| colspan="2"|Je länger die Gallier und Osolemirnix dem Weg durch den Wald folgen, desto lauter wird mit einem Mal ein Rauschen, bis sie sich an einem reißenden Fluss wiederfinden. Doch oh weh! Die Brücke ist morsch und könnte beim ersten Schritt zusammenbrechen. Unsere gallischen Helden müssen wohl einen anderen Weg über den Fluss finden.
| colspan="2"|The Gauls and Boneywasawarriorwayayix follow the path through the forest. Suddenly a rushing noise grows louder and louder until they arrive at a raging river. But oh dear! The bridge is rotten and could collapse at any moment. Our Gaulish heroes must find another way across the river.
||Die Gallier sehen sich eine Weile um, finden aber keine Passage des Flusses, die sich mit Leichtigkeit überqueren könnten, dann kommt ihnen die zündende Idee! Mithilfe eines Seils schwingen sie sich über den reißenden Fluss. Huuuiii! Sicher und trocken landen unsere gallischen Helden am anderen Ufer.
||The Gauls look around for a while, but can't find a passage of the river that they could easily cross, when they come up with a brilliant idea! With the help of a rope they swing across the raging river. Huuuiii! Our Gaulish heroes land safe and dry on the other side.
||Dutzende Male marschieren die Gallier am Fluss auf und ab, jedoch will ihnen einfach keine Möglichkeit einfallen, wie man ihn überqueren kann. Ratlos lassen sie sich am Ufer nieder. Wie sollen sie denn nun bloß Osolemirnix’ Dorf erreichen?
||The Gauls march up and down the river dozens of times, but they just can't think of a way to cross it. At a loss, they settle down on the bank. How are they supposed to get to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village?
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 4
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 4
| colspan="2"|Erschöpft von ihrer Flussüberquerung, machen Osolemirnix und die Gallier Halt auf einer kleinen Lichtung und genießen einen Augenblick Ruhe. Als sie sich jedoch wieder auf den Weg machen wollen, erwartet sie ein böse Überraschung. Ihre Reisebeutel mit all ihren Habseligkeiten sind plötzlich verschwunden! Sind sie etwa in einem unachtsamen Moment gestohlen worden? Wohin könnten die Diebe verschwunden sein?
| colspan="2"|Exhausted from crossing the river, Boneywasawarriorwayayix and the Gauls stop at a small clearing and enjoy a moment of rest. However, when they want to set off again, a nasty surprise awaits them. Their travel bags with all their belongings have suddenly disappeared! Have they been stolen? Where could the thieves have gone?
||Nicht lang und die Gallier finden Spuren der vermeintlichen Diebe. Umgeknickte Äste und Fußstapfen am Boden lassen darauf schließen, dass nicht nur kuschelige Eichhörnchen den Galliern auf den Fersen waren. Aber waren es tatsächlich Römer, die unsere gallischen Helden bestohlen haben? So oder so, die Gallier nehmen die VSuccessung auf!
||It doesn't take long for the Gauls to find traces of the alleged thieves. Bent branches and footsteps on the ground suggest that cute squirrels weren't the only ones following the Gauls through the forest. But has it really been the Romans who stole from our Gaulish heroes? Either way, the Gauls give chase!
||Ohje, die Gallier suchen und suchen, finden aber nicht die geringste Spur, wohin die Diebe mit ihren Habseligkeiten verschwunden sind. Was für ein Jammer! Was machen unsere gallischen Helden denn jetzt nur? Ohne ihre Reisebeutel können sie doch kaum ihren Weg fortsetzen.
||Oh dear, the Gauls search and search, but they cannot find the slightest trace of where the thieves have gone with their belongings. What a shame! What should our Gaulish heroes do now? Without their travel bags, they can hardly continue on their way.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 5
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 5
||'''Misteln für Lethargix'''
||'''Mistletoes for Lethargix'''
| colspan="2"|Den Spuren durchs Unterholz folgend, treffen unsere gallischen Helden plötzlich auf Lethargix, Osolemirnix’ Dorfdruiden, der es sich unter einem Mistelbaum gemütlich gemacht hat. Seit Tagen liegt er schon dort und wartet, bis ihm die Misteln in den Schoß fallen. Da können unsere Gallier doch bestimmt ein wenig nachhelfen!
| colspan="2"|Following the track through the undergrowth, our Gaulish heroes suddenly meet Lethargix, Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village druid, who has made himself comfortable under a mistletoe tree. He's been lying there for days, waiting for the mistletoe to fall into his lap. Surely our Gauls can help him out a little!
||Bäumchen rüttel dich und schüttel dich! Da schaut Lethargix nicht schlecht, als mit einem Mal Tonnen an Misteln auf ihn herabprasseln! Bevor er sich jedoch mit den Misteln zu seinem Dorf auf macht, beschließt er noch ein schnelles Nickerchen zu machen. Zuvor verrät er den Galliern aber noch, dass er ein paar zwielichtige Gestalten vor nicht allzu langer Zeit durch die Bäume hat schleichen sehen!
||Shake and quiver, little tree, throw many mistletoes down to me! Lethargix is ​​amazed when all of a sudden tons of mistletoes pelt down on him! But before he goes back to his village with all the mistletoes, he decides to take a quick nap. Before that, he reveals to the Gauls that he saw a few shady figures sneaking around the trees not so long ago!
||Platsch, platsch, platsch! Selbstbewusst schütteln die Gallier am Mistelbaum, doch das einzige, das aus den Ästen herunterfällt, sind Vogeleier, direkt auf Lethargix’ Kopf! Ohje,ohje das hat den Druiden aber wenig beeindruckt. Er hält lieber an seiner Methode fest zu warten, bis die Misteln von selbst herunterfallen.
||Splash, splash, splash! The Gauls confidently shake the mistletoe tree, only thing that falls from the branches are bird eggs, right on Lethargix's head! Oh dear, oh dear, that hasn't impressed the druid at all. He prefers to stick to his method of waiting for the mistletoes to fall down on their own.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 6
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 6
||'''Auf der Fährte'''
||'''In hot pursuit<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Immer weiter folgen die Gallier den verdächtigen Fußspuren, bis sich diese plötzlich in zwei Richtungen aufteilen! Welcher Spur sollen unsere gallischen Helden nur folgen? Riskieren sie es auf gut Glück eine Richtung zu wählen und die Diebe vielleicht zu verlieren oder können sie durch geschicktes Fährtenlesen erkennen, wohin ihre Habseligkeiten verschleppt worden sind?
| colspan="2"|The Gauls keep following the suspicious footprints until they suddenly split in two directions! Which trail should our Gaulish heroes follow? Should they risk randomly choosing a direction and maybe losing the thieves or can they recognize where their belongings have been taken by skillfully tracking them down?
||Dem feinen gallischen Näschen entgeht aber auch nichts! Von Westen weht unseren Galliern ein dezenter Rauchgeruch entgegen, dem sie beschließen zu folgen und siehe da! Zwischen den Bäumen tauchen plötzlich Zelte auf, die rein gar nichts mit den ordentlichen Zelten der Römer zu haben. Sind sie etwa auf ein Räuberlager gestoßen?
||Nothing escapes the subtle Gaulish nose! A light smell of smoke wafts from the west towards our Gauls, which they decide to follow. Lo and behold! A group of tents that in no way resembles a tidy Roman camp suddenly appears between the trees. Did they come across a bandit camp?
||Ewigkeiten, so kommt es unseren gallischen Helden zumindest vor, folgen sie den Spuren nach Osten, doch diese verlaufen nur ins Leere. Verflixt aber auch! Die Diebe sind nun sicherlich mit ihren Habseligkeiten über alle Berge.
||For what seems like ages, at least to our Gaulish heroes, they follow the tracks to the east, but they are leading nowhere. Darn! The thieves must be long gone by now, together with their belongings.
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 7
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 7
||'''Bandit camp<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Auf Zehenspitzen schleichen sich die Gallier an das Zeltlager heran. Von Römern fehlt weit und breit jede Spur, allerdings haben sich einige dubios Gestalten um ein Lagerfeuer versammelt und wühlen geradezu schadenfroh, ja mag man es denn glauben, durch die gestohlenen Reisebeutel unserer gallischen Helden! So aber nicht! Die Gallier springen hervor, den Überraschungsmoment auf ihrer Seite, und eine hitzige Prügelei entbrennt!
| colspan="2"|The Gauls sneak up to the camp on tiptoes. There is no sign of Romans far and wide, but some dubious figures have gathered around a campfire and rummage gleefully, yes, believe it, through the stolen travel bags of our Gaulish heroes! Just you wait! The Gauls jump out, the element of surprise on their side and a heated fight breaks out!
||Buff! Bumm! Knuff! Paff! Ein jeder Räuber gewinnt einen Freiflugschein über die Baumkronen. Niemand beklaut schließlich unsere gallischen Helden und kommt ungeschoren davon. Jetzt aber hurtig! Die Gallier haben schon zu viel Zeit verloren und müssen rasch Osolemirnix’ Dorf erreichen.
||Buff! Boom! Bam! Puff! Each bandit wins a free flight ticket over the treetops. After all, nobody steals from our Gaulish heroes and gets away with it. But quickly now! The Gauls have lost too much time and need to get to Boneywasawarriorwayayix’s village quickly.
||Autsch! Die Räuber waren gefährlicher als sie aussahen und haben unseren Galliern ganz schön auf die Nase gegeben. Da bleibt ihnen nur noch die Flucht- und zwar ohne ihr Hab und Gut! Was für ein Schlamassel...
||Ouch! The bandits were more dangerous than they looked and gave our Gauls a good beating. The only thing left for them to do is to flee without their belongings! What a mess ...
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 8
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 8
||'''Lauschen und verstecken!'''
||'''Listen and hide!<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Gerade wollen unsere Gallier ihren Weg zu Osolemirnix’ Dorf wieder aufnehmen, da laufen sie doch beinahe einer Römerpatrouille in die Arme! Wenn sie sich schnell genug verstecken, könnten sie die Römer bestimmt unauffällig vSuccessen und belauschen. Vielleicht gibt es ja interessante Neuigkeiten von Prätor Crassus Vampus!
| colspan="2"|Our Gauls are just about to resume their way to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village when they almost run into a Roman patrol! If they hide quickly enough, they could quietly follow the Romans for sure and listen to their conversations unnoticed. Maybe there will be interesting news from Praetor Perfidius!
||Blitzschnell hechten die Gallier in ein Gebüsch und warten, bis die Römer sie passiert haben. Diese marschieren nichtsahnend weiter voran und es ist ein Leichtes für unsere gallischen Helden die Römer zu vSuccessen. Auf leisen Sohlen schleichen sie hinterher und erfahren, dass der hinterhältige Crassus Vampus plant, am nächsten Tag mit den gestohlenen Vorräten der Korsen davonzusegeln! Die Zeit drängt!
||The Gauls jump into a bush and wait until the Romans have passed by. These unsuspectingly march ahead and it is easy for our Gaulish heroes to pursue the Romans. They sneak quietly behind them and learn that Perfidius is planning to sail away the next day with the stolen Corsican loot! Time is running out!
||Gerade noch rechtzeitig können sich die Gallier in ein Gebüsch retten, doch ihre Kleider verheddern sich so sehr in den Zweigen, dass sie eine ganze Weile brauchen, um sich überhaupt zu befreien. Indes sind die Römer bereits über alle Berge verschwunden. Verdammt aber auch!
||The Gauls can escape into a bush just in time, but their clothes are so tangled in the branches that it takes them quite a while to break free. Meanwhile, the Romans have already disappeared over the mountains. By Toutatis!
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
|- style="background-color: #deb887;"
| style="width: 50%;"|Kapitel 9
| style="width: 50%;"|Chapter 9
||'''Besetztes Dorf'''
||'''Occupied village<br />'''
| colspan="2"|Der römischen Patrouille folgend, landen unsere Gallier doch tatsächlich in Osolemirnix’ Dorf! Doch oh Schreck! Das gesamte Dorf wurde von den Römern besetzt, die eifrig auf der Suche nach dem Häuptling sind. Osolemirnix schlägt vor, sich heimlich mit Carferrix zu treffen und das weitere Vorgehen zu besprechen. So leise wie nur irgendwie möglich, versuchen sich die gallischen Helden also ins Dorf zu schleichen.
| colspan="2"|Following the Roman patrol, our Gauls actually arrive in Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village! But oh no! The entire village is occupied by Romans, who are eagerly looking for the chief. Boneywasawarriorwayayix suggests meeting Carferrix in secret to discuss how to proceed. So the Gaulish heroes try to sneak into the village as quietly as possible.
||Geradezu wie auf Samtpfoten schleichen sich die Gallier mit Osolemirnix’ Führung durchs Dorf. Nicht ein einziger Römer scheint etwas zu ahnen! Leise schlüpfen sie durch die Hintertür in Carferrix’ Haus und die beiden Korsen fallen sich erleichtert in die Arme! Während ihnen Carferrix’ Schwester Chipolata einen großen Braten zum Abendessen serviert, schmieden die Gallier einen Plan, um Osolemirnix’ Dorf von den Römern zu befreien!"
||The Gauls sneak on velvet paws through the village, led by Boneywasawarriorwayayix. Not a single Roman seems to have noticed anything, yet! They slip quietly through the back door into Carferrix’s house and the two Corsicans fall into each other's arms with relief! While Carferrix’s sister Chipolata is serving them a large roast for dinner, the Gauls are devising a plan to free Boneywasawarriorwayayix’s village from the Romans!
||Zunächst sieht es so aus, als würden die Römer unsere Gallier nicht bemerken, doch in einem Moment der Unachtsamkeit tritt einer von ihnen auf den Schwanz einer schlafenden Katze! Miaaaauuuuu! Bevor unsere gallischen Helden sich versehen, sind sie von lauter Römern umzingelt. Das war wohl nichts!
||At first, everything is going fine and the Romans don't notice our Gauls, but in a moment of carelessness, one of them steps on the tail of a sleeping cat! Meooooooow! Before they know it, our Gaulish heroes are surrounded by Romans. That did not go as planned!
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[[Category:1 All Pages]]

Latest revision as of 10:36, 12 February 2023

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Reputation Friendly


All the texts of the various chapters are available in this area. Both the successful and the failed.

So that - if the chapters have not yet been played through - the tension is maintained, the texts are folded for the time being.

To read, please click on "[Expand]" on the right
Chapter 1 Romans in the woods?
In good spirits, our Gaulish heroes are on their way to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's home village. They traverse the Corsican forest and soon they can't get rid of the feeling that they are being watched. Could Romans be sneaking between the trees? They better keep their eyes open!
Success Fail
Buoyantly, the Gauls make quick progress, although they keep looking over their shoulders vigilantly from time to time. After all, Roman spies could be lurking anywhere! Nevertheless, our Gaulish heroes enjoy the Corsican nature on their way and take a deep breath of the fresh forest air. The Gauls simply can't shed the feeling of being watched and so they stop every few meters and keep an eye open, but unsuccessfully. Shivers keep running down their spines, preventing them from progressing as fast as they planned.
Chapter 2 Invisible eyes
Our Gaulish heroes advance deeper and deeper into the forest and the feeling of invisible eyes resting on them grows stronger and stronger. There! What was that? A rustle, a whisper, silence! Did they hear voices? Are they being tracked by the Romans? It's time to have a look!
Success Fail
On tiptoes, the Gauls sneak up to the bushes. The rustling gets louder and louder and they expect a Roman to jump out at any moment, but - what is that? A cute squirrel is peeking out of the branches. Could it have been their furry friend who chased them through the forest? The Gauls are just about to sneak up on the bushes when one of them stumbles over a root and falls to the ground. The bush rustles louder than before and then - silence. Whoever was hiding has fled!
Chapter 3 A path across the river
The Gauls and Boneywasawarriorwayayix follow the path through the forest. Suddenly a rushing noise grows louder and louder until they arrive at a raging river. But oh dear! The bridge is rotten and could collapse at any moment. Our Gaulish heroes must find another way across the river.
Success Fail
The Gauls look around for a while, but can't find a passage of the river that they could easily cross, when they come up with a brilliant idea! With the help of a rope they swing across the raging river. Huuuiii! Our Gaulish heroes land safe and dry on the other side. The Gauls march up and down the river dozens of times, but they just can't think of a way to cross it. At a loss, they settle down on the bank. How are they supposed to get to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village?
Chapter 4 Thieves!
Exhausted from crossing the river, Boneywasawarriorwayayix and the Gauls stop at a small clearing and enjoy a moment of rest. However, when they want to set off again, a nasty surprise awaits them. Their travel bags with all their belongings have suddenly disappeared! Have they been stolen? Where could the thieves have gone?
Success Fail
It doesn't take long for the Gauls to find traces of the alleged thieves. Bent branches and footsteps on the ground suggest that cute squirrels weren't the only ones following the Gauls through the forest. But has it really been the Romans who stole from our Gaulish heroes? Either way, the Gauls give chase! Oh dear, the Gauls search and search, but they cannot find the slightest trace of where the thieves have gone with their belongings. What a shame! What should our Gaulish heroes do now? Without their travel bags, they can hardly continue on their way.
Chapter 5 Mistletoes for Lethargix
Following the track through the undergrowth, our Gaulish heroes suddenly meet Lethargix, Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village druid, who has made himself comfortable under a mistletoe tree. He's been lying there for days, waiting for the mistletoe to fall into his lap. Surely our Gauls can help him out a little!
Success Fail
Shake and quiver, little tree, throw many mistletoes down to me! Lethargix is ​​amazed when all of a sudden tons of mistletoes pelt down on him! But before he goes back to his village with all the mistletoes, he decides to take a quick nap. Before that, he reveals to the Gauls that he saw a few shady figures sneaking around the trees not so long ago! Splash, splash, splash! The Gauls confidently shake the mistletoe tree, only thing that falls from the branches are bird eggs, right on Lethargix's head! Oh dear, oh dear, that hasn't impressed the druid at all. He prefers to stick to his method of waiting for the mistletoes to fall down on their own.
Chapter 6 In hot pursuit
The Gauls keep following the suspicious footprints until they suddenly split in two directions! Which trail should our Gaulish heroes follow? Should they risk randomly choosing a direction and maybe losing the thieves or can they recognize where their belongings have been taken by skillfully tracking them down?
Success Fail
Nothing escapes the subtle Gaulish nose! A light smell of smoke wafts from the west towards our Gauls, which they decide to follow. Lo and behold! A group of tents that in no way resembles a tidy Roman camp suddenly appears between the trees. Did they come across a bandit camp? For what seems like ages, at least to our Gaulish heroes, they follow the tracks to the east, but they are leading nowhere. Darn! The thieves must be long gone by now, together with their belongings.
Chapter 7 Bandit camp
The Gauls sneak up to the camp on tiptoes. There is no sign of Romans far and wide, but some dubious figures have gathered around a campfire and rummage gleefully, yes, believe it, through the stolen travel bags of our Gaulish heroes! Just you wait! The Gauls jump out, the element of surprise on their side and a heated fight breaks out!
Success Fail
Buff! Boom! Bam! Puff! Each bandit wins a free flight ticket over the treetops. After all, nobody steals from our Gaulish heroes and gets away with it. But quickly now! The Gauls have lost too much time and need to get to Boneywasawarriorwayayix’s village quickly. Ouch! The bandits were more dangerous than they looked and gave our Gauls a good beating. The only thing left for them to do is to flee without their belongings! What a mess ...
Chapter 8 Listen and hide!
Our Gauls are just about to resume their way to Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village when they almost run into a Roman patrol! If they hide quickly enough, they could quietly follow the Romans for sure and listen to their conversations unnoticed. Maybe there will be interesting news from Praetor Perfidius!
Success Fail
The Gauls jump into a bush and wait until the Romans have passed by. These unsuspectingly march ahead and it is easy for our Gaulish heroes to pursue the Romans. They sneak quietly behind them and learn that Perfidius is planning to sail away the next day with the stolen Corsican loot! Time is running out! The Gauls can escape into a bush just in time, but their clothes are so tangled in the branches that it takes them quite a while to break free. Meanwhile, the Romans have already disappeared over the mountains. By Toutatis!
Chapter 9 Occupied village
Following the Roman patrol, our Gauls actually arrive in Boneywasawarriorwayayix's village! But oh no! The entire village is occupied by Romans, who are eagerly looking for the chief. Boneywasawarriorwayayix suggests meeting Carferrix in secret to discuss how to proceed. So the Gaulish heroes try to sneak into the village as quietly as possible.
Success Fail
The Gauls sneak on velvet paws through the village, led by Boneywasawarriorwayayix. Not a single Roman seems to have noticed anything, yet! They slip quietly through the back door into Carferrix’s house and the two Corsicans fall into each other's arms with relief! While Carferrix’s sister Chipolata is serving them a large roast for dinner, the Gauls are devising a plan to free Boneywasawarriorwayayix’s village from the Romans! At first, everything is going fine and the Romans don't notice our Gauls, but in a moment of carelessness, one of them steps on the tail of a sleeping cat! Meooooooow! Before they know it, our Gaulish heroes are surrounded by Romans. That did not go as planned!

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